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Joined 02/05/2020 Achieve Points 55 Posts 3

Thorn's Comments

  • Thorn's Avatar
    55 3 Posts Joined 02/05/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Nah, I knew it would have its issues just wanted to see what other people thought. I also agree elusive needs to be upped in mana cost along with deny and Hecarim either needs to summon less or be weaker.

  • Thorn's Avatar
    55 3 Posts Joined 02/05/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I completely agree Hearthstone was the same way although not quite as rampant. They do have a lot of interesting choices they can make with how expansive the champion and spell pool in League is though so the future is really bright for this game. 

  • Thorn's Avatar
    55 3 Posts Joined 02/05/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Seems as though aggro is going to dominate this game for the time being. Most aggro decks are able to fill the board by turn 3 or 4 and removal is few and typically at a higher mana cost. If you want that removal when you need it you have to skip a turn or 2 to build up your spell mana and by then you have probably taken too much damage. Not wanting to ruin aggro entirely I think some mana costs changes are needed. For instance Shadow isles can put out 7/6 worth of power turn 2 with cursed keeper and ravenous butcher. There are a few more but shadow seems a bit over powered at the moment.


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