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Joined 01/25/2020 Achieve Points 40 Posts 1

tyreich's Comments

  • tyreich's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 01/25/2020
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I think this deck currently in its state for constructed is fine. It is a control deck killer and I think having decks like this are good they make the meta more balanced. That being said I believe the deck is a little strong and could use a few nerfs like mushroom cloud, and puffcap peddler.


    The real issue i have with the deck however is in expedition mode. It is extremely hard to build around this deck since you are given so few options especially in terms of lifesteal. For Freljord which has 2 heals and 0 lifesteal options. I think it is unfair to allow a deck of this strength in its current form where you can possibly get 26  mushrooms in 1 turn is pretty broken not to mention teemo can double that with his upgraded form. I believe that if less options are given in the draft it would be much easier to deal with. Draft already has enough rng it doesnt need more added in terms of puff mushroom draws especially when few options can solve the issue. 

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