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Valor1204's Comments

  • Valor1204's Avatar
    80 8 Posts Joined 05/20/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I love the flavor of everyone's cards! I've been very busy the past couple of weeks, as far as feedback and discussion, but figured I'd post here in case there are any large comments before submitting.

  • Valor1204's Avatar
    80 8 Posts Joined 05/20/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I'm mainly curious about the balance of mana cost of the spell and reward from the deathrattle. I think it would balance out because it would be difficult to have many Pirates die in one turn and then to take advantage of that. I could see some ways you could do long term planning or even use this to get some more minions on the board.

    I'll sink up with feedback later.

  • Valor1204's Avatar
    80 8 Posts Joined 05/20/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you all for the feedback. Here is my second go at the theme. I figured it may be fun to "overload" Shaman weapons temporarily so they don't lose Durability. Maybe it would be more flavorful to add an Overload onto this card in that case, but I figured I would see without for the time being.


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    Demonxz95 - Interesting effect. I think the stats are fine. If anything maybe think about raising its cost by a mana or two, since it's pretty powerful to in some cases double the effectiveness of your hand.

    linkblade91 - I personally like the Rare version better, but that may just be me thinking of how annoyed I would get playing against the Epic. If you do go with the Epic, I would at least remove the Taunt, otherwise you may force your opponent into a turn of just removing that, which could leave the rest of your board open to do some shenanigans. I would also maybe knock the Rare version down a health as its pretty powerful knocking two damage off of whatever is coming at it.

    Cg8889 - I like the flavor! I'd say ship it!

    Pokeniner - The or reminds me of the Choose One cards in Druid and thus doesn't strike me as a Priest card. I think it would look fine as is in Druid!

    grumpymonk - I appreciate the reference to Tortollan Primalist. I don't think you need the from your class part though as the other Discover spell cards don't specify that.

    KANSAS - I think the wording is fine as "minion type" is used in Waste Warden. I think its power level is fine too. As far as naming, maybe you can think of something along the lines of "Friend to All?"

    DavnanKillder - My first thought was that it may be too much of a generator, but you're right that it's a simplified Hagatha for a turn. So, I think it's fine but I'm not certain. I do appreciate its similarity to Lock and Load.

    Inconspicuosaurus - I don't think it's too similar. In fact I think it matches the flavor, which may be what you are going for anyways. I would reword it to be more in line with other Choose One cards, such as maybe seeing if you can get it similar to Msshi'fn Prime?

    BloodMefist - My first reaction was to what "playable" meant, but then I understood. It's also reference in Chaos Gazer, so I think it's fine, but maybe change the expansion to be with or after that card as that is when "playable" is first seen. I think the first card matches the effect much better, but it still may be improved. Maybe wording it as experimenter or something similar may play to the favor more.

  • Valor1204's Avatar
    80 8 Posts Joined 05/20/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    The art reminded me of the effect on the card, but the blue tint reminded me specifically of arcana. I know the effect may seem out of place for Mage, but there could be some interesting uses that would not be broken or overpowered as it may be in other classes. If it does seem too farfetched, I will go back to the drawing board. If not, I would love feedback on its cost or power level.

  • Valor1204's Avatar
    80 8 Posts Joined 05/20/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Inspired by the art, honestly. I think there are a lot of directions for this competition to go so it will be interesting to see all the entries!


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    Demonxz95: I love the flavor (ha, get it) of the card! It feels a bit strong, considering Freezing Potion is the same cost to freeze, but without the effect. Maybe freezing the character either way would help with this?

    linkblade91: I like the idea, but it feels very strong for an early game minion. It would be too great to trade early minions with, leaving the opponent struggling to find the right card to kill it. Reducing its health seems like it may nerf it too much, but maybe even reducing its attack by 1? I'm not sure.

    Cg8889: Huh, this card could really ruin some days, or leave you with a 5 cost 2/2 depending on the deck. I'm not sure how to judge its power level, but it's interesting.

    Inconspicuosaurus: I agree with your sentiment that beasts are much more common than murlocs. As it stands, it is better than a Murloc Raider, so maybe you could bump it down to a 1/1 in stats, with a +2/+1 buff?

  • Valor1204's Avatar
    80 8 Posts Joined 05/20/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From DestroyerR

    Isn’t the Druid-Paladin one a strictly worse Keeper of Uldaman?

    I don't think so. It is one mana cheaper for one less health and has more variety in how it can be played. Sometimes you don't want or need both the attack and health set to 3.

  • Valor1204's Avatar
    80 8 Posts Joined 05/20/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    @Pokeniner, I am dying of cringe at the similarity in our cards. But great minds think alike? I promise I created the Hunter cards before seeing your post. Of course if you choose to enter yours, I definitely would not enter my combination, as it wouldn't feel fair.

    As far as feedback, I was wondering on stats/theme. I originally thought Hunter for Dread Captain DeMeza because of the beast spawn, but it might not be strong enough of a connection. But it could benefit from something like Mok'Nathal Lion, if you were able to reduce the cost. The Possessed Raider summons a Voidlord, but I was thinking it may be too slow?


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    @Pokeniner: I like that Captain Robin is conditional and the theming for it to protect the cat! I wonder if there is a better way to word Tabby Treasures' effect, but I'm not sure. I'm not a huge fan of Zelaton Bonebeard, just because the effect hasn't really been done before and it may be confusing?

    @KANSAS: I feel like the biggest problem with Davy Jones is The Flying Dutchman in my opinion. I know it is slower to get it, but the essentially permanent stealth feels overly powerful, maybe because it just requires the deathrattle instead of being shuffled like Akama Prime? I do like Orc Raider and its synergy with Battlecry Shaman!

  • Valor1204's Avatar
    80 8 Posts Joined 05/20/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    An idea I was tossing around. I was wondering if it might be too wordy or weird of an effect for the damage to bounce around between sides of the board. Would it be better to just stop at one random enemy minion?


    Pokeniner - Does it distribute the excess damage randomly or to all of them uniformly? I initially thought the excess damage might spread to neighboring minions once, which might be an avenue to explore. I think either way, for the effect, 4 cost may be more fair. It is essentially 4 free damage to random enemy minions.

    grumpymonk - I really like the effect of Bestow Faith, but I think it may be too powerful for its mana cost since something like Holy Light costs 2 and restores 6 health. Keeper Romulus seems very powerful, wow 12 mana capabilities. That being said, I think combining that with the extra empty mana crystal may be too much for one card?

    Demonxz95 - I love the art for Felfire Fury and think it is a solid card. Soul Enchantress would have a lot of uses, but I think it may have too many?  Would something like Micro Mummy grant +2/+1 at the end of the turn or Divine Spirit give a minion +1/(Double)+1? I guess to me, it feels non-intuitive for cards that only deal with attack or health to have the other stat affected.

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