Finally, we've got the Showcase video for Ionia (noticeably delayed). What is your favorite region to play? I think Shadow Isles is probably mine, and I'm really enjoying a Kalista Ephemeral deck I built, especially since she got buffed. We've got one more region left to go and it will be a brand new one to the game. Which region are you hoping to see for this expansion?
Sadly, There weren't any clues for the new region in the video, but we should find out soon enough!
This video is made to mock us "harmonious elusives" pog
Bilgewater time
Mix Ancient civilization with mysteries and legends, new discoveries buried under a sea of sand and you get my Attention ! so yeah
_/( Shurima )\_
I would probably say Frejlord with SI as a close second, with Ionia and Demacia being my least favorite and Noxus and P&Z in the middle. (Note that the question was "favorite to play", not "most successful". :-P)
I would want shurima but we all know it's blidgewater :(