Hail, champions! Patch 2.0 brought with it a new set of 3 Labs, and we wanted to make sure you're aware of our growing knowledge base of Lab-specific guides:
- Quick Draw is a returning PvP Lab with randomly generated decks
- United Front is a brand new Coop Lab (2 players vs AI) with premade decks
- Welcome to the Jungle is a returning PvP Lab where players can choose between their own constructed deck or a premade deck
Each of these labs will be available until the next patch arrives on February 3rd, which will bring the Aphelios Champion Expansion and 3 different labs, including the new "Heimer's Madness Lab".
Also, we're very excited to announce a new feature on Out of Cards: our Runeterra deckbuilder now allows you to assign your decks to a particular Lab, similar to how we do Brawl decks with Hearthstone. This means you can filter our database for decks for the latest constructed lab decks or submit your own! To flag your deck as being a lab deck:
- Build your deck in our deckbuilder as normal, or import from the game.
- When you go to save your deck, select "Lab" from the "Deck Type" dropdown.
- A new dropdown will appear with a list of constructed labs. Choose your Lab the deck is for.
- Save your deck. Congrats, it can now appear in lab-specific content!
Are you excited that Out of Cards now has dedicated support for constructed lab decks? Share with us below!
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