Free stuff! Everyone loves free stuff and with Strixhaven out on MTG Arena, there are a few goodies you're going to want to pick up ASAP.

Unlock 2 Mastery Levels in MTG Arena For Free

Use the code RestorativeBurst in the shop to earn 2 mastery levels and a Strixhaven pack. This was given out due to server issues.

Unlock 3 Free Strixhaven Packs on MTG Arena

New expansion, new code for packs! Unlock 3 Strixhaven Boosters by using the code PlayStrixhaven in the shop.

Unlock 5 Free Strixhaven College Card Sleeves on MTG Arena

There are five awesome sleeves available that represent each of the colleges of Strixhaven!

  • RockJocks - Lorehold
  • ArtClub - Prismari
  • MathWhizzes - Quandrix
  • DebateDuelists - Silverquill
  • SwampPunks - Witherbloom

That's it for Strixhaven freebies. Go login and unlock your free stuff now as end dates on all the codes are not currently known.

Buy Secret Lair Card Sleeve Codes

We're a member of the Gray Viking Games affiliate program. If you're missing any sleeves from past Secret Lair products, consider purchasing them through our affiliate link down below.

Use Code "OutOfCards" to save 5% on your order at Gray Viking Games.

Buy Friday Night Magic Promo Pack Codes

We're a member of the Gray Viking Games affiliate program. If you're looking to buy Promo Packs to redeem on MTG Arena, consider purchasing them through our affiliate link down below.

Use Code "OutOfCards" to save 5% on your order at Gray Viking Games.