We have a new structure deck in the shop, and this one is literally fire! The Salamangreats are an archetype used by Soulburner in the Vrains anime, and they're FIRE Cyberse monsters. The deck's playstyle focuses on Link Summoning and is a mid-range or control deck, with the goal of OTK-ing your opponent in the later turns. The unique thing about this deck is that it can re-summon Link Monsters using a monster with the same name as the sole material, with the aid of Salamangreat Sanctuary.


Salamangreat Heatleo Card Image Decode Talker Heatsoul Card Image

The deck offers you a copy of every Main Deck Salamangreat card in the game (save those that focus on Non-Link summoning), plus 3 of the 5 available link monsters. Oddly enough, you get 2 copies of Salamangreat Heatleo, meaning you'll end up with 6 total copies that you can't dismantle if you get 3 decks. In total the deck contains 5 URs and 10 SRs.

Aside from Salamangreats, the deck also has a nice collection of generic Cyberse cards, like Cynet Mining, Lady Debug, Balancer Lord, and Decode Talker Heatsoul, the latter being exclusive to the deck and cannot be generated. If you want to build other Cyberse decks in the future, like Decode or @Ignister, this deck is a great way to have a base.

Quote From Konami (in-game notifications)

New Structure Deck "Burning Spirits" is here!
New Structure Decks have been added to the Shop!
If you're intimidated by the prospect of building your own Deck from scratch, or if you just want to dip your toes in the water, why not start here?

Added Structure Decks
Burning Spirits
"Salamangreat" monsters come in a wide variety, and they can be Special Summoned once their respective conditions have been fulfilled. First, try Summoning their ace monster, "Salamangreat Heatleo." If you use it as a material to play the second "Salamangreat Heatleo," you will be able to unlock even more of its powers!

For more information, check the Shop.
Cards that become available for the first time through a Structure Deck or other means excluding Master Packs will be designated as "pre-release cards". They cannot be generated. You will be able to generate pre-release cards after they are included in Master Packs.

Thank you for playing "Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel."

What do you think of the Salamangreat deck? Any other deck you'd like to see added to the game?