The Power Cosmic just went live earlier today, bringing with it The Silver Surfer, but that's not the end of it. Second Dinner updated the in-game post that detailed the latest season with upcoming cards, locations, and variants. Let's take a look!

New Cards

There are 3 new cards coming with The Power Cosmic, all of them going into Series 5.

The first one is Knull, 6/0 with the effect "Ongoing: Has the combined Power of all cards destroyed this game.". This is going to be a great addition to Destroy decks, a a high-power alternative to Death, or a follow-up to Destroyer if you can play that a turn earlier.

Knull Card ImageOngoing: Has the combined Power of all cards destroyed this game.

The second is Sentry, a 4/8 with the effect "Cannot be played at the right location. On Reveal: Add a -8 Power Void to the right location.". He joins Jessica Jones, Drax, and Crossbones in the "4/8 with a downside" club. Pretty good in destroy decks (though probably not the same ones as Knull or Venom), but can works with other cards as well, like Viper.

The Sentry Card ImageCannot be played at the right location. On Reveal: Add a -10 Power Void to the right location.

Last, but no least, is Darkhawk, a 4/1 with the effect "Ongoing:  +2 Power for each card in your opponent's deck.". That's usually a 7-power card by the end of the game, but that number can be brought up with cards like Korg and Rockslide.

Darkhawk Card ImageOngoing: +2 Power for each card in your opponent's deck.

As for when the cards will be coming to the game, we actually have a full schedule:

New Locations

We have 4 new locations coming to Snap over the next month, though we don't know the order (assuming they won't arrive in the order presented, which is possible):

Knull and Klyntar are related to each other, so it's possible they both come on the same week. The other 3 location are original to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

New Variants

The post mentions over 20 new variants, but only 3 are fully shown, for Knull, Galactus, and Gamora.

What do you think of the new cards and locations? Any of them catching your eye? Let us know in the comments below!