We've got a new featured location in MARVEL SNAP and it's Klyntar!
Klyntar is a completely new location being added to MARVEL SNAP as part of the December Season: The Power Cosmic. After turn 4, all your cards there will merge into a Symbiote.
When the cards at Klyntar merge, they lose all text - the Symbiote becomes an amalgamation of their stats. This makes high-stat, low-cost drawback cards like Lizard and Ebony Maw very good, making the Symbiote large and losing their downside. We should also note that Klyntar's merge does not trigger any Destroy effects.
However, that upside comes with a major drawback: the Symbiote is a 1-Cost minion (no matter what you feed it), making it very vulnerable to a Killmonger removal. If you're dead set on getting the most out of Klyntar, you might want to run Armor to protect it.
However you choose to plan for the new location, you'd better get used to it; being a featured location means that Klyntar will have a 40% chance to appear for 48 hours, from 7 PM PT Tuesday night to 7 PM PT Thursday night (2 AM UTC Wednesday to 2 AM UTC Friday).
You can’t play this after turn 3. Ongoing: You can’t play cards here.
Ongoing: -3 Power if your opponent has 4 cards here.
What Are Featured Locations in MARVEL SNAP?
There are two different types of location events in MARVEL SNAP.
- Sunday's Hot Location that has a 60% chance to appear for the next 24 hours.
- Wednesday's Featured Location that has a 40% chance to appear for the next 48 hours.
This helps pave way for new deckbuilding strategies as you may want to be playing something else should the bonus better benefit cards you aren't playing with. We've seen this previously with the featured location, Monster Island, whose boosted appearances meant many players ran Shang-Chi to destroy the 9 Power Monster.
As announced in the developer livestream, MARVEL SNAP will be getting a brand new location every week and it will be featured when it is added, as we're seeing now with Klyntar.
What do you think of Klyntar? Have your own ideas for taking advantage of the featured location? Let us know in the comments below!
Actually, I haven't seen any Killmongers after playing for about 90 minutes. I saw 2-3 Shang-Chis, though, as well as 2 Elektras, which I thought was a genius idea.
Overall, people don't seem to play different decks to use this location; there was a lot of Leech+Leader, move decks, destroy decks, etc.
Those card pics are both wrong. Ebony Maw is 1/7 and Lizard is 2/5.
Yeah, we know. They have correct stats in our db, but pictures themselves sadly are not updated yet. We ran into some technical difficulties, but are hoping to resolve this soon. Sorry.
Unfortunately, many Snap cards aren't updated.