MARVEL SNAP's new community event, Hero Hype, is ongoing and players are pumping up the jam to get closer and closer to earning rewards. You get one Record for each Cube you win, but you double that take by including one of this week's featured cards; right now, that's Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, and Doctor Doom. Yes, it's a throuple. No, we're not making a big deal out of it.
If you're looking for decks to play that can boost your event contribution for this week, then we've got some options to help you do just that.
Decks for Mister Fantastic
Ongoing: Adjacent locations have +2 Power.
As the only non-Series 3 featured card, Mister Fantastic opens up the possibility for budget players to get in on the action of boosting their Hype contribution. Our first featured deck, then, is made entirely of cards that you will have in your collection if you've completed Series 1. It's a list full of Ongoing effects to be buffed by Spectrum, using Professor X to lock down one location and focus the fight on one of the other two.
Taking the well-used Spectrum core, we have this deck with cards from Series 3 that can end the game by buffing its Ongoing cards, or by slamming Destroyer to one location while our other cards (with Armor) hold down the fort in another. Sandman is great disruption for Death decks or other multi-card turn 6 combos.
Decks for Invisible Woman
Ongoing: Cards you play here are not revealed until the game ends.
The main thing players want to do with Invisible Woman is hide their key combo pieces, thereby making them harder to mess with. Our first offering is a Cerebro list that hides the Cerebro Mystique synergy until the game ends, possibly surprising our opponent when the board flips in our favor.
We can do the same thing with this Patriot deck, hiding Patriot and Mystique and possibly Onslaught to keep our opponent in the dark about exactly how much power our Misty Knight is going to have.
Decks for Doctor Doom
On Reveal: Add a 4-Power Doombot to each other location.
If we're not building a Patriot deck to go all-out with Onslaught, we can instead go for this 3-Drop heavy build that features Silver Surfer to give out a huge amount of buffs, then tops out with Doctor Doom adding that last bit of Power to each of the three locations.
This On Reveal deck builds around the effect of Wong to make everything it does twice as impactful, and ramps to its high-cost plays with the help of Psylocke and Electro. While Doctor Doom is one of the 6-Cost finishers in this list, the real star is the combo with Black Panther and Arnim Zola.
Shielded Heart Bundle and Login Reward
With this new week, there's also a new bundle in the shop, featuring Variants for Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, and Doctor Doom (with matching Avatars) and 3000 Credits for 5000 Gold. Our back-of-the-napkin math tells us that converts to about $62.50 USD.
There's also a login reward waiting for players in their Inbox - 30 Mister Fantastic Boosters. As always, if you're playing on PC you'll have to get out your phone or use the Bluestacks emulator to access your Inbox.
Have an idea for a deck featuring one of these three supers? Share it with our MARVEL SNAP deckbuilder, and don't forget to include a guide!
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