Looking for a MARVEL SNAP deck to help you climb to Infinite, or looking for something fresh and hip to take out for a spin? We've gathered 8 decks from around the SNAP community that can help you win games while also having fun.

If you're in the market for some strategic advice, we've included our *personal* recommendations for when it's OK to Snap early with each deck - your mileage may vary.

Tian Ding's Hela MODOK

We'll start with a list for the new Season Pass card, MODOK that comes from Second Dinner's Tian Ding. This take uses Hela to bring back the big bodies that have been discarded throughout the game - and you can use Invisible Woman to hide both MODOK and Hela for a huge final turn swing.

Snap Early If: You've discarded The Infinaut, and have either Hela or Ghost Rider.

Tian Ding's Hela MODOK (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago

Xristophilus's Dino Zola

This deck from Xristophilus wants a double Devil Dinosaur, and has a few ways to make that happen: with either Arnim ZolaMystique, or Moon Girl. Taskmaster can also do a decent Dino impression.

Snap Early If: You have a double Dino play, and a way (with Armor or Cosmo) to protect your Cretaceous critter.

Zola/Taskmaster/Mystique Dino
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago

Nano's Double Hulk

Devil Dino isn't the only one we're seeing double. This list from Nano runs a low curve of little 1-Drops to empty the hand, then use Moon Girl to double up on She-Hulk on the final turn. The cool thing is, if you skip turn 5, you can still play She-Hulk alongside Aero on turn 6.

Snap Early If: You have good plays for the first three turns, with Moon Girl and She-Hulk in hand.

Nano's Double Hulk (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago

Moyen's Anti Shang-Chi

If you're tired of seeing your biggest bodies shot down by Shang-Chi (we know we are), try out this deck from Moyen where the most Power these cards can have is 8. Your opponent can't kill what they can't hit. And yes, this deck also runs Shang-Chi.

Snap Early If: You have Iron Fist and Vulture, with a follow-up from Miles Morales and another 3-Drop.

Moyen's Anti Shang-Chi (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago

Cozy's Surfer Control

This deck, brewed up by ACozyGamer, uses the power of Silver Surfer to boost the Power of controlling 3-Drops like Juggernaut and Kingpin while topping its curve with nasty Movement control from Magneto and Aero.

Snap Early If: You can use Storm to win an early location, or you can alter your opponent's final turns with movement.

Cozy's Surfer Control (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago

Wes's Dino Bounce

If you're still feeling the desire to do something big with Devil Dinosaur, try out this deck from Wes, that runs lots of cheap disruptive cards to bounce back to hand with Beast and Falcon to feed Dino and The Collector

Snap Early If: You have an early Collector and one of your Bounce cards ready to send back some 1-Drops.

Wes's Dino Bounce (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago

YipeS's Negative Panther

While Mister Negative has a reputation for being a highly-variant build-around, getting everything to work properly is one of the most rewarding experiences in MARVEL SNAP. This list from YipeS balances the Negative high-roll by adding in the Arnim Zola Black Panther package (which is also really great if Zola gets Negatized). Plus, if you're looking for a deck that runs Adam Warlock, then you've found one.

Snap Early If: You have Zabu into a turn 3 Mister Negative.

Valinthyne's Shuri Skull

The final deck we're featuring this week comes from valinthyne, who's tapping into the strength of Shuri with a deck full of cards that would love to get double the Power. Psylocke is very good at ramping into 4 Energy, meaning you can play both Wong and Shuri before turn 5, which can be a huge advantage.

Snap Early If: You have Psylocke on 2, with Wong and Shuri in hand.

Valinthyne's Shuri Skull (Pool 4)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago

Have your own SNAP decks you need to show off? Share them with our MARVEL SNAP deckbuilder, and don't forget to include a guide!