Kripparrian sits down with Path of Exile 2's Game Director, Johnathan Rogers, to talk about the new game. Here's everything that we've learned.

  • They still want Path of Exile 2 to be ridiculous, but they want to have counterplay with bosses.
  • The gameplay showcases are intentionally slow - they want to showcase stuff.
  • They do not want to have an economy based on gold, but there are use cases for it.
  • Gold is primarily being used to fix problems with their builds.
    • The shop has been overhauled so you should be able to more easily find items to help you out.
    • If you see something you want in the shop, items won't go away as quickly letting you save up and get them.
  • You will be able to gamble with gold to buy base items that could be uniques.
  • There will be an entire act dedicated to the Karui.
  • They want Life and Mana flasks to be useful still instead of pure Utility flasks.
  • Utility Flasks are more responsive than passive in Path of Exile 2.
  • Mana reservation is gone and is now done through Spirit.
  • The costs of skills are going up since everyone will have mana once again.
  • Minion builds will very likely want to use Scepters because they provide lots of Spirit.
  • Minion builds use Spirit to summon their minions. 
  • Scepters as a base type have support mods which effect allies/minions.
  • They want different types of things to be used with Spirit.
  • You start with 100 Spirit.
  • Scepters give you up to an extra 600 Spirit potentially.
  • Every gem starts with 2 support sockets.
    • You will use currency to upgrade your gems with extra sockets.
    • A lesser jeweler's orb lets you go from 2-3 supports.
    • Other types of jewelers orbs increase you up to 4 supports and finally 5 supports.
  • A large number of skills have some movement built into them which should mean you don't require dedicated movement abilities.
  • There is a bit more focus on weapons for spellcasters than there was in Path of Exile.
  • Most of the time you will want to use the higher level of things.
  • Attribute requirements on support gems is now additive to the skill gem itself.
    • A dexterity build wanting to use intellect supports makes it trickier.
  • Many league mechanics from Path of Exile will have revamped versions in Path of Exile 2.
  • The ages of characters are increasing - this is a canonical sequel!
  • Path of Exile 2 will have Hardcore and Solo Self-found modes, but Ruthless will not be available - at least to start.
    • They don't want to split the community too much with too many modes.
  • The policy of microtransactions being usable in both games gives the company incentive to not forget about the original Path of Exile.