Second Dinner has published a roadmap of everything that is currently in development for Marvel Snap. This includes three categories - Coming Soon, In Development, and In Concept which refers to the rough timing we can expect to see these arrive. When they get into the Coming Soon category, we can expect them to start planning release dates and provide the community insights on new features.

Here are all the things currently on the roadmap. If you want more information on some of these items, we've got details further below.

Coming Soon to Marvel Snap

  • PC Launch
  • Twitch Drops
  • Seasonal Audio
  • Card Upgrade Improvements
  • Conquest Polish
  • Infinity Rank Revamp
  • Global Matchmaking - Phase 1

Quote From Second Dinner

Items listed here are in the final phase of development, and these features are almost ready to release to players! We’re cleaning up, polishing art, and squashing bugs. Our Quality Assurance teams scrape over all the little details to ensure we have as smooth an experience for players as possible. Once features are “Coming Soon,” we can start to plan release dates, timelines and share some insight with players.

PC Launch

We love playing MARVEL SNAP on our phones, but sometimes nothing beats a comfy gaming session on your PC. The team has been working hard towards getting MARVEL SNAP ready for the big screen… well, the WIDESCREEN! We’ve combed through the game and rebuilt the experience for the widescreen experience - everything from main menu, collection manager, gameplay, and more!

With the official launch of MARVEL SNAP on PC, we’re also ensuring feature parity across platforms for things like in-game rewards, inbox, and news. No more needing to login on mobile to collect rewards–collect them on your platform of choice. More details coming very soon - stay tuned!!

Seasonal Audio

We love our in-game menu music, but we’ve been hoping for some more variety in our lives. Coming with our next season, we’ll be changing our in-game menu music to match the vibe of each new season - get ready for MARVEL SNAP with a new flair. 🎵 🎧

Card Upgrade Improvements

You’ve heard it before, “Upgrade cards to get more cards”… and with all that upgrading, we thought it was time to improve this experience a bit! We’re releasing two new features in our next patch to support this: Multi-Upgrade & Upgrade with Gold.

  • Multi-Upgrade: You’ve been waiting for the perfect variant for Shang-Chi, forever. You have all the boosters and credits. You finally get it… and now, with Multi-Upgrade, select the Quality you’d like to target and tap the upgrade button once to directly skip to that Quality level! Save your thumbs and save some time!
  • Upgrade with Gold: We have all been there. You’ve got an Ultra Quality card and 48 Boosters - so close to that Infinity Split, but those last couple Boosters won’t drop. Upgrade with Gold lets you finish out a card upgrade even if you don’t have all the required Boosters or Credits by splitting the gap with the Gold value.

Conquest Polish

It’s been great to see the excitement about Conquest since release and we’ve appreciated the feedback on a few updates we could make to improve the mode! In an upcoming patch, we’ll be doing a polish pass to clean up some rough edges. You can expect some of the following changes:

  • Improved Loss Flow (we know you don’t need to see it twice!)
  • Speeding up / Tap-to-Skip Animations
  • Updated Mute Behavior (now, stay quiet!)
  • UI/UX Improvements

In Development for Marvel Snap

Items that are in development are being actively worked on.

  • Prestige Level
  • Spotlight Cache Improvements
  • Collectible Emotes & Card Emojis
  • Personalized Shop
  • Smart Decks
  • New Infinity Splits & Split System Improvements
  • Ultimate Variant Evolution

Quote From Second Dinner

Game features in this section are actively being developed, iterated, and improved upon. Our production team dedicates team resources, generates tasks/timelines, and ensures we’re moving forward. Features and systems in this bucket can change dramatically – we might find our initial idea wasn’t fun OR we might discover we can achieve our goals in an unexpected way!

Prestige Level

Ever wish that pixel variant, avatar, or title you received turned into an awesome reward? Yeah us too. Prestige Level introduces a new reward track when you acquire any new cosmetics (variants, avatars, card backs, emotes, etc). Juice up your Prestige enough and unlock brand new infinity splits and more! We will keep building on Prestige Level into the future with Albums that drip bonus Prestige and exclusive thematic cosmetics!

Spotlight Cache Improvements

We’re continuing to monitor player feedback and data for Spotlight Cache economy tuning. We recently started with a change to the Random S4/S5 Duplicate Fallback reward from Premium Mystery Variant to 1000 Tokens and more tuning changes are being considered. In the next patch, we’ll be increasing rewards in S3-Complete Collectors Reserves, instead of 50 Tokens:

  • 50% chance at Gold Conquest Ticket
  • 50% chance at 100 Tokens

In addition to economy tuning, we also have some Spotlight Cache system UI/UX improvements planned for future patches:

  • Improved Spotlight Cache Icon
  • Improved Random S4/S5 Icon
  • Improved Opening Flow & Reward Experience
  • Spotlight Variants Preview
  • Spotlight Cache “Hold to Open”

Ultimate Variant Evolution

We are ready to make Ultimate variants even more worthy of their name. Evolve existing and new Ultimate variants to unlock their full cosmetic potential! As these variants evolve they will start to share their thoughts on your match with new VO and comic style chat bubbles. Once pushed further, new thematic VFX and SFX matching the variant art will light the board up in style. Knullified Thor with red lightning…yes please!

Marvel Snap Concepts

These items are not currently being actively developed, but the team is talking about them.

  • Guilds / Clans
  • Mythic Variants
  • PC Controller Support
  • New Game Mode
  • Season Journey Improvements

Quote From Second Dinner

We have BIG dreams about what we’d like to bring to the future of MARVEL SNAP! The first step towards these dreams is turning ideas into concepts through discussion, documentation, and planning. Features currently in the “In Concept” phase have been initially scoped out and given shape but have not yet had any engineering or development work done in the game itself.

This is where we’d love your feedback the most! Concepts listed in this section may be elevated in priority, rescoped, or scrapped entirely… or we might hear something completely new from the community!

Guilds / Clans

We’re currently exploring what social systems could look like in MARVEL SNAP! For those of you (like us!) who have been playing Collectible Card Games socially for years, what did you enjoy about those social experiences? We’re looking for your feedback on what you’d love to see from Guilds / Clans / Social systems – what things would you like or dislike? Let us know!

Mythic Variants

What’s more badass than Ultimate Variants… MYTHIC VARIANTS! Custom voice lines? Wild over-the-top VFX? Maybe they jump out of the screen and punch your opponent in real life…  okay, not that. But they’re gonna be awesome.

New Game Mode

We have so many ideas for future game modes! We're interested in building game modes that bring an overall balance to the game between accessibility and deep strategy. Right now, we’re thinking through what is the MOST FUN and working backwards from there. We’re excited to build more awesome ways to play MARVEL SNAP and share more details in the future!