Evo is this weekend and at the event participants will be able to get their hands on Project L! This will be the first time Riot's new fighting game is out in the wild and playable - but more on that in a moment. The first proper champion reveal has arrived and it's for Yasuo!

Here's his move list from the official site:

The keen-eared among us will have noticed a few new soundtracks playing during the reveal video. These are:

  • Ionia Theme (Project L) - Riot Games
  • Piltover Bridge (Project L) - Riot Games
  • Champion Select (Project L) - Riot Games

Playable at Evo 2023

So, what's playable this weekend during Evo? We're glad you asked!

  • Yasuo
  • Darius
  • Ekko
  • Ahri

How to Play Project L

Riot teaches you the basics of Project L and how to play it - assuming of course you're at Evo and can get your hands on it.