Starfield has finally arrived! Bethesda's newest RPG sends us into space to discover over a thousand planets and with that fancy character creation, rich story, and a seemingly endless amount of content comes with launch day issues. Here are some of the problems players have been having and how you can fix them.

Starfield Download Won't Unpack on Steam

As the clock ticked down tonight, many players have run into an issue with their preloads not unlocking. Currently there are a handful of options that seem to be working.

  1. Restart Steam
    • This is the least volatile method around and should be the first thing you attempt to do.
  2. Launch Via the Shortcut
    • If you have a shortcut for the game on your desktop, you can double click on it to force the game to start. 
    • Steam seems to force check the servers when you perform this.
  3. Verify Integrity of Game Cache
    • This might complete instantly but for some users it has forced steam to recheck its servers to know that you are allowed to unlock.
  4. Reinstall Your Game
    • The worst-case scenario of the bunch, but this has been proven to work the most consistently.
  5. Be Patient
    • We've been waiting for half a decade for Starfield to come out, what's another few minutes?

Starfield on Xbox Won't Connect

If you've launched your game and it isn't connecting, spam that start game button! Although we can't really recommend this because users are potentially causing denial of service against the Starfield service, many users on reddit have reported that they were able to get in after doing this a few times.

Starfield on Xbox Won't Launch

Try launching your game from the Xbox / Microsoft Store instead of from the game tile. This has been successful for some users.

Have you been having problems with the Starfield launch? Let us know which issues you've encountered and if you have any solutions in the comments below.