Settlers of Kalguur is a couple of weeks old now which means it's time for the first big pass on balance! Grinding Gear Games has released patch notes ahead of the 3.25.1 update that is coming later this week to both PC and Consoles.

The update focuses on reworking Thaumaturgic Dust on shipments, which overall buffs the impact it has on shipments. No longer will you add a tiny bit of dust only to see a massive jump in the risk of sending your fleet out. There are also changes to the recombination feature, which will make rarer modifiers easier to see on the new item, and if you're fighting off the pirates going after your ship, you don't have to be as worried about accidentally leaving the instance because players now spawn further away from the portal. Overall,  great changes to the town and it should only improve everyone's usability of it.

Now, for Tier 17, the purple maps, a ton of mods have been removed from the available pool. This overall should make T17 maps easier to complete because you won't encounter maps as often that will break for your specific build. A couple of the big examples include the removal of the "Monsters Cannot be Leeched From" mod and "Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield". A full list of the removed mods can be found further down in the full patch notes that we have included. There isn't anything more frustrating than sitting there, rerolling map mods and getting bad outcomes for your builds.

Tier 17 maps have also had adjustments to certain mods which aim to, again, make them easier to complete. The Sawblades mod now halves the number of sawblades (6 to 3) and the sawblades themselves are slower which will make navigating that chaos a whole lot easier. We also see the additional AoE mod with projectiles see the number of projectiles halved from 4 to 2, which not only makes that less chaotic to deal with, that's a lot fewer effects going out on your screen which should be a slight performance increase - we'll take it! With mods being removed and adjusted though comes a brand new mod: Players have 50-60% reduced Maximum total Life, Mana and Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech. This is still harsh, but rolling it doesn't mean the map is completely bricked.

Read on for the full details of the changes, including seeing exactly what mods are being reworked or removed for Tier 17 maps. There are also a handful of bug fixes and a cool change to the Divination Scarab of Plenty.

Quote From Grinding Gear Games

Later this week, we’re planning to deploy the 3.25.1 patch which includes changes to the Recombinator, Thaumaturgic Dust and Tier 17 Map modifiers. Check out a preview of its patch notes below.

The following patch notes are still subject to change prior to the patch’s deployment. We’ll deploy the 3.25.1 update on consoles as soon as possible after its release on PC.

3.25.1 Patch Notes

Settlers Improvements

  • Reworked how shipping Thaumaturgic Dust affects Shipping Risk and Rewards. Previously, it was multiplying the shipment value and having a disproportionately high impact on risk compared to rewards. Now, it simply adds to Shipment Value and scales the amount of rewards based on the other goods being shipped. This means the way Thaumaturgic Dust affects Shipment Value/Risk now directly correlates with the amount of rewards you will receive, and in almost all cases this is a buff from before.
  • When Recombinating items, rarer Modifiers now have a much higher chance to be selected for the resulting item than before.
  • Players now spawn further away from the portal in the Admiral Valerius Boss Area to help prevent leaving by accident.
  • Added the Uber Boss Fragments, missing Fossils, and the Blighted Scouting Report to the Currency Exchange.

General Improvements and Changes

  • Adjusted the following Tier 17 Map Modifiers:
    • Tier 17 Sawblades mod slowed down and there are only 3 sawblades (from 6)
    • The Marked for Death debuff no longer prevents the recovery of life and energy shield. It now increases damage taken by 50% (from 30%)
    • Players and their Minions deal no damage for 3 out of every 10 seconds (from 4 seconds every 10 seconds)
    • Players have 3% reduced Action Speed for each time they've used a skill recently (from 4%)
    • Monsters have 100% increased Area of Effect and fire 2 additional Projectiles (from 4 additional Projectiles)
    • Monsters take 35-45% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes (from 100%)
    • Players have 25-30% less Area of Effect (from 50%)
    • Players have 25-30% less Defences (from 50%)
    • Rare and Unique monsters remove 5% of life, mana and energy shield from players or their minions on hit (from 10%)
  • The following mods no longer roll on Tier 17 Maps:
    • 100% reduced Effect of Curses on Monsters
    • Players have -2 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
    • Players in Area take 20% increased Damage per nearby Ally
    • Players cannot gain Endurance, Frenzy, or Power Charges
    • Players cannot Recharge Energy Shield, and Players cannot Regenerate Life, Mana or Energy Shield
    • Players cannot Block, and Players cannot Suppress Spell Damage
    • Players have 90% reduced effect of Non-Curse Auras from Skills
    • Players have 80% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield
    • Monsters Cannot be Leeched From
  • Added a new Tier 17 Map Modifier: Players have 50-60% reduced Maximum total Life, Mana and Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech.
  • The Divination Scarab of Plenty now grants additional Packs of Magic Monsters that have 800% increased chance to drop Divination Cards, instead of modifying existing packs in the area. It also now has a limit of 5 (from 1).
  • The Bestiary Craft to 30% quality a map, now specifies it grants 30% base quality (replacing any alternate quality types from Maven Chisels). This fixes a bug where if you used this craft on a map with quality from a Maven Chisel it wouldn't have added more of the alternate quality.
  • Updated the Vengeful Cry Skill Gem description to clarify that Minions cannot gain rage.
  • The Singular Carapaces Atlas Passive has been renamed to Towering Carapaces.
  • Updated remaining text referencing Reliquary Scarabs to correctly say Titanic Scarabs.
  • Added a slot for Kaom's Command Unique Siege Helmet to the Unique Stash Tab.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some players were unable to use Manage Town option from Johan.
  • Fixed the Ransom option not stating how much gold is required.
  • Fixed a bug where Quality on Life, Mana, and Hybrid Flasks was incorrectly scaling Duration.
  • Fixed a bug where Map crafting options from Scarabs were not appearing if placed in the 6th slot of the Map Device.
  • Fixed a bug with Admiral's Arrogance Unique where the chance to gain Maximum Rage from hits granting Rage was applying for all hits.
  • Fixed a bug with the Taste of Hate Unique Flask where its Chill and Freeze Avoidance, and Physical as Added Cold Damage effects were not applying.
  • Fixed a bug where the Vengeance Notable Passive Skill granting Rage when Hit by Enemies was incorrectly applying to all Hits and not just Hits by Enemies.
  • Fixed a bug where the Savage Intensity Notable Passive Skill was not reducing the Rage Cost of Skills.
  • Fixed a bug where the Sepulchre Map Boss, Doedre the Defiler, would fail to drop guaranteed rewards after being killed in her second form.
  • Fixed the Meteor on Flask Use Tier 17 Map Modifier and Searing Exarch Altar Modifier having no impact effect.
  • Fixed a bug where the Plummeting Kahuturoa Unique Finisher Effect Microtransaction could not be used along with a Rare Monster Finisher Effect.