You may want to hang onto your Spotlight Keys this month.
Marvel Snap will see its "largest series drop ever" next month according to an announcement made on the official Discord server. With this, we'll see an unfortunate side effect of Nebula being dropped down a tier to Series 3 (currently 4) which is a bit confusing when you consider this week the spotlight cache features Nebula. Second Dinner has commented that this is due to them creating these well in advance of the decision to drop Nebula down a tier in next month's update, so if you're wanting to chase higher series cards in the caches, you're going to want to hold onto your keys!
It's great to have this clarity announced a month before the change and before the spotlight caches get bought en masse. If it's been a while since you've dove into Marvel Snap, Spotlight Keys were introduced late last year and were added to replace the original spotlight caches. These are a collectible item which unlock monthly featured cards, allowing you to choose when you want to use them when you see more desirable cards.
More details on the rest of the Series Drops will be announced on, or before, February 18, so stay tuned for more details. But before then, spread the word of Nebula's move to Series 3 coming on March 4.
Quote From Second Dinner As we approach next month's Patch on March 4, we're planning to include our previously announced Series Drops within it. This will be our largest Series Drop ever, and with that comes a little bit of unplanned disruption. This week's Spotlight Cache will feature Nebula. In a bit of a preview, Nebula will be dropping to Series 3 on March 4. We realize this isn't ideal, however due to the timeframe for determining drops and setting up Spotlight Caches, we're unable to make any changes for this week. With that said, we hope this provides you with more information when it comes to making decisions about using your Spotlight Keys this week. The rest of the Series Drops will be announced on or before February 18. Stay tuned!
Will Second Dinner Provide Compensation?
No compensation is planned for those obtaining Nebula via the Spotlight Cache.
Quote From Griffin As previously done with Daken , players were given a reimbursement of 1 spotlight key for having received the Daken variant from the controversial artist. Would it be possible to do the same for Nebula as she will be dropping? So players who pull her or her variant would be reimbursed a maximum of 1 key?
We’re not planning any compensation for Nebula in the Spotlight Cache.
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