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Helping Majin Bae With His Eternal Tier List

Submitted 11 months, 1 week ago by


Eternal is a very broad meta, to the point that it becomes difficult to objectively talk about decks without inserting a little personal bias but let's try our best by using last season as a base:

1. Elites - I do not think that elites are broken anymore, as someone who used them to easily hit masters in record time last season, they actually feel quite slow by eternal standards.

- you can cast your big 9 cost rally and opponents will have no problem chumping 6 times in one turn by the time the spell is online

2. Annie Jhin - this is objectively not the best way to run aggro anymore, once again it feels slow and inflexible. Spamming 4/2 stuns is not good enough

- you'll feel that turn 1 Annie isn't the terror she used to be, and I dont even know the last time I saw tibers

3. Jayce - objectively not the best control shell anymore, spamming 3/3s and pinging for 3 used to be the only good answer to elites. But as we mentioned if elites are too slow then jayce is way too slow

What's gotten better:

Pirate aggro - Samara as amazing as she has been for standard, is way better in eternal where you essentially have an unlimited supply of high value one drops.

- It's not a complicated deck essentially being the LOR equivalent of mtg humans, just cheap good units with good effects at a low mana cost plus some cheap spells.

Ryze - it's hard to argue that with Ionia getting its own version of tavern keeper plus mana cheating that ryze isn't very good now. It will always be a high variance deck but it remains a scary matchup.

Turbo Nasus - easy wincon that got better control spells in the form of shadow isles very own culling strike, plus the already existing quietus makes that 1 ->2 control spell formula very consistent so you can play solitaire all you want.

- good tech options as well for board clears, and healing means that this sneaky last season deck will be top tier this season

Sundisc - speaking of uninteractive wincons, while remaining an off meta pick in eternal it will have its place as the ultimate solitaire deck. While it's weak into aggro (very weak) it's simultaneously a very reliable way to punish a large variety of deck builds

Ramp - you'll notice a bit of a trend here where your deck is either A (very ******* fast) or (very uninteractive) eternal is essentially going to be LOR modern and thats the trend you notice in expanded card pools.

- I love midrange, and straight up control but you will find it struggle to make a home on the external tier list. So 20/20 on mana 7 kinda good. Along with infinite free card value.

Lurk - the ultimate highroll deck will always have a place, and while statically it will be tier 3 it won't feel that way when they hit the dreded double champ setups.

Nora - Nora isn't a deck Nora is legion. It doesnt matter how well you think you've prepped the marchup, or your winrate record into this champion sometimes she will just bs you, and you'll get real salty, and there will be nothing you can do about king granny.

So yeah in conclusion the "competitive decks" from last season are bad in eternal, the uninteractive garbage from last season are good! 

And the only aggro decks that are worth playing are fast enough to kill your opponent before they can play solitaire.

Thats my eternal tier list so you're welcome Majin for your introduction to this messy, messy and beautiful format.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 11 months, 1 week ago


    Eternal is a very broad meta, to the point that it becomes difficult to objectively talk about decks without inserting a little personal bias but let's try our best by using last season as a base:

    1. Elites - I do not think that elites are broken anymore, as someone who used them to easily hit masters in record time last season, they actually feel quite slow by eternal standards.

    - you can cast your big 9 cost rally and opponents will have no problem chumping 6 times in one turn by the time the spell is online

    2. Annie Jhin - this is objectively not the best way to run aggro anymore, once again it feels slow and inflexible. Spamming 4/2 stuns is not good enough

    - you'll feel that turn 1 Annie isn't the terror she used to be, and I dont even know the last time I saw tibers

    3. Jayce - objectively not the best control shell anymore, spamming 3/3s and pinging for 3 used to be the only good answer to elites. But as we mentioned if elites are too slow then jayce is way too slow

    What's gotten better:

    Pirate aggro - Samara as amazing as she has been for standard, is way better in eternal where you essentially have an unlimited supply of high value one drops.

    - It's not a complicated deck essentially being the LOR equivalent of mtg humans, just cheap good units with good effects at a low mana cost plus some cheap spells.

    Ryze - it's hard to argue that with Ionia getting its own version of tavern keeper plus mana cheating that ryze isn't very good now. It will always be a high variance deck but it remains a scary matchup.

    Turbo Nasus - easy wincon that got better control spells in the form of shadow isles very own culling strike, plus the already existing quietus makes that 1 ->2 control spell formula very consistent so you can play solitaire all you want.

    - good tech options as well for board clears, and healing means that this sneaky last season deck will be top tier this season

    Sundisc - speaking of uninteractive wincons, while remaining an off meta pick in eternal it will have its place as the ultimate solitaire deck. While it's weak into aggro (very weak) it's simultaneously a very reliable way to punish a large variety of deck builds

    Ramp - you'll notice a bit of a trend here where your deck is either A (very ******* fast) or (very uninteractive) eternal is essentially going to be LOR modern and thats the trend you notice in expanded card pools.

    - I love midrange, and straight up control but you will find it struggle to make a home on the external tier list. So 20/20 on mana 7 kinda good. Along with infinite free card value.

    Lurk - the ultimate highroll deck will always have a place, and while statically it will be tier 3 it won't feel that way when they hit the dreded double champ setups.

    Nora - Nora isn't a deck Nora is legion. It doesnt matter how well you think you've prepped the marchup, or your winrate record into this champion sometimes she will just bs you, and you'll get real salty, and there will be nothing you can do about king granny.

    So yeah in conclusion the "competitive decks" from last season are bad in eternal, the uninteractive garbage from last season are good! 

    And the only aggro decks that are worth playing are fast enough to kill your opponent before they can play solitaire.

    Thats my eternal tier list so you're welcome Majin for your introduction to this messy, messy and beautiful format.


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