Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Noxkraya Arena

Noxkraya Arena Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

Round End: Your strongest ally and the weakest enemy strike each other.


Landmark - Play onto the board for unique, ongoing effects.

Round End - Get this effect when the round ends.

Flavor Text

"Hey there, rrrrreckoner fans, are you ready for a night of scorchin' hot THRILLS in the RING OF FIRE?! Wuh-oh, looks like Tiny Trik drew the SHORT straw today. He's up against the mighty, fight-y, GRANAAAAK the Great! Get those medics ringside, it's gonna be a quick one!" - Arena Battlecaster


  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    If this was Demacia, I would 5-star this card without reservation.

    In Noxus, it's a shade less convincing. Noxus has a lot of high-attack / low-health units, so the possibility of having them chump themselves dead is very real. You also lose direct access to strike-loving units like dragons, Garen, and Radiant Guardian. You can still splash those units as your second region, of course, but you usually want more synergies before you commit an entire deck build around and I'm not immediately seeing them.


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