Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters


Watcher Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

I cost 0 if you've summoned 5+ allies that cost 8+ this game. Attack: Obliterate the enemy deck, leaving 3 non-champions.


Obliterate - Completely removed from the game. Doesn't cause Last Breath and can't be revived.

Flavor Text

"This is the end. As it was foretold -- as I promised. Sisters... forgive me." - Lissandra

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  • Catalun's Avatar
    20 2 Posts Joined 10/24/2023
    Posted 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Wow, I must say that the Watcher card from Legends of Runeterra is pretty impressive. It's fascinating how powerful and game-changing it can be during matches. It kinda reminds me of the intense strategy sessions back in my university days, where I used to rely on services like https://stateofwriting.com/uk/do-my-coursework for writing help, freeing up time to dive into games like this. Playing these games always brought a nice break from deadlines and studies, allowing for some much-needed relaxation and fun. Thanks for sharing this, it's a nice trip down memory lane!


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