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Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Kindred Nasus Slay Aggro

Last updated 3 years, 9 months ago
  • Archetype Aggro
  • Deck Type Theorycraft
  • Crafting Cost 24000
  • Your Cost 24000
Akazumiii's Avatar Registered User 1

Very simple SI sacrifice aggro deck, but now instead of TWE we can actually splash Shurima and have access to Nasus and Rampaging Baccai. Play for early board control and slay units consistently to finish the game with Kindred or Nasus+Atrocity (Nasus level is a strong atrocity target due to Spellshield).

Card Choices:

Pesky Specter: Free Sacrifice target for Mask Mother or Blighted Caretaker, also costs 0 mana which makes our Slay engine faster, might go to 3 to cut a Baccai Reaper.

Rite of Calling: Must have in this deck. Slaying your units will usually generate an advantage in this deck and you draw your Kindred or Nasus that benefit from your engine. Kind of sucks to draw this multiple times so keep it at 2.

Baccai Reaper: Not entirely sure what to think of this card yet. It can push some early damage turn 1 or 2 but usually will die before growing to 3 attack. Don't feel too bad for sacrificing this later on, you will probably have to trade it away before it becomes a big threat. He is really just a worse Barkbeast so I will probably replace this card soon.

Hapless Aristocrat: Free chump blocker vs. aggro or easy double sacrifice target.

Warden's Prey: Multiple unit generator that both benefit to your engine. Keep vs. aggro but drop against slower matchups.

Cursed Keeper: Strong sacrifice target. The "Can't Block" keyword is non-transferable so don't be scared to sacrifice this for Mask Mother.

Glimpse Beyond: Auto-include in every sacrifice/slay deck.

Mask Mother: New card so I wanna try it out. Also the first 2 mana SI sacrifice creature, if your Hapless Aristocrat survived turn 1 you get a free 3|3 Fearsome. If you play for turn 1 Baccai Reaper you should look for Cursed Keeper however.

Vile Feast: Pings/Kills enemies to increase your Slay counter and generates a free blocker or sacrifice target. Perfect synergy in this deck.

Blighted Caretaker: Increase your slay counter by up to 3 while controlling enemy units. Very strong in this deck.

Kindred: Kindred is just absolutely nuts. Your opponent will most likely not block them to not get marked and take the 4 damage to face, which then gets punished by you sacrificing your own units. Kindred generates insane value and your opponent gets punished no matter what decision they make. The levelup is actually not that important so don't try to force it.

Rampaging Baccai: Easily comes down with the play effect on turn 5/6. Get a strong stat unit with arguably the best keyword in the game while killing an enemy unit for free. If you have the option, play this after Kindred. Very strong in the mirror as it can instantly kill the enemy Kindred.

Withering Wail: WW is not bad in the current meta with all the low HP units in Fizz TF, Discard Aggro and Bilgewater Burn. Still only a 1 of, explanation later.

Atrocity: Alternative finisher. Use preferably on level 2 Nasus as he comes with Spellshield (Spellshield only blocks opponent's spells).

Nasus: Heavily benefits from your slay mechanic. If you can control enemy units with 3+ attack Nasus can very swiftly spiral out of control. Preferably play him with 8+ Slay counter for the instant level-up. Level 2 provides a strong Atrocity target because of spellshield. Level 3 is just overkill so we don't care about it.

Spirit Fire: This card is the reason why we only run 1 Withering Wail. IMO, Spirit Fire is just a better Withering Wail. While is doesn't kill the units instantly, it provides some other advantages, such as killing 1 health units through Pale Cascade, in most scenarios preventing way more damage than Withering Wail, and being burst speed means your opponent can not interact with it.

Vengeance: Almost auto-include in every SI deck, free double kill with Kindred.

Cards I didn't pick any why not:

Barkbeast: Will probably replace Baccai Reaper soon.

Ravenous Butcher: This card has always felt clunky IMO, Mask Mother just seems like a better option to kill your units with. Yes it's 0 mana, but mana usually isn't the issue in this deck. Might try this out as a 2-of instead of Pesky Specter.

The Undying: I think The Undying is way stronger with the Renekton Vulnerable package, put them in a more dedicated deck.

Ancient Crocolith: Killing 2 units at once feels low value with Kindred, also I would always prefer to sacrifice my units for Blighted Caretaker turn 3/4.

Chronicler of Ruin: Really doesn't get much value apart from cloning Cursed Keeper. Feels clunky in this deck.

Neverglade Collector: There are just much stronger turn 5 plays.

Grasp of the Undying: Grasp is weak in the current meta IMO.

The Rekindler: You don't plan on your champs dying so why run this.

Sanctum Conservator: Decent finisher for this deck, but I think that Atrocity is much more reliable.

The Ruination: Now this is a debate. It increases Slay counter by a lot, but I think this deck, especially with Kindred, provides enough control that you won't have to resort to killing your own units.

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