Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Nasus's Vaulthunters

Last updated 3 years, 9 months ago
  • Archetype Aggro
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 27500
  • Your Cost 27500
TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar Registered User 0

As the title suggests, this deck is a Nasus Vaults of Helia deck.

The goal is eighter to rush the opponent down or to get a big Nasus and fling him at the opponent's face.

The Idea 6 mana Champion -> The Rekindler with Vaults of Helia is not new but It works really well here because vaults of helia are a slay engine.

The only thing that kinda sucks about the deck and which is the reason why this is deck proably has no t1 potential is: The Rekindler sees Nasus always as a 2/2 therefore nasus doesn't get resummoned by him if any other champion died this game. 

Originally this deck tried to do The Rekindler shenenigans but it the end It proven to me that it is too clunky and prevents us from curving out fast and play other champions.

The earlygame package we use is also well known with the likes of Blighted Caretaker Dunekeeper Baccai Reaper... only Ancient Crocolith is more one of the uncommon cards here but given he synergizes well with Kalista and Vaults of Helia it is a quite easy include (not to mention that Dunekeeper provides the sac material to hardcast him)

The disruption is rather low with Rite of Negation   but it's fine because we got vulnerability debuffs like Ruthless Predator and Rock Hopper and the Blighted Caretaker to trade our units like The Undying for board presence

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