Destroy The Palace
Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago
- Archetype Midrange
- Deck Type Ranked
- Crafting Cost 26700
- Your Cost
--Lines Of Play--
1. Complete the palace, swing use shaped stone or heal your units, replay akshan do what it takes to level him, always play him on curve
2. Against aggro destroy the palace on curve with naturalist you won't miss it you'll be dead anyway
3. Turbo level thaliyah I'd rate this higher but most midrange landmark players know she's your best card
--small tweek---
I think vagabond is slightly better then unraveled earth in this deck
4. Use your beef without worrying too much about trading up, we arent winning with our first elemental or our first rock bear.
5. Card advantage, you have the tools to be even on cards once palace pops, or you double up on presevarium with thaliyah
1. Pretty straight forward, Akshan is always a keep, usually you drop your 4 and 3 drops. I'll keep hush there's only 1 copy.
2. Keep thaliyah in every matchup except aggro she's our wincon
3. Otherwise just prioritize a good curve, shouldn't be hard
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