Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Just Challenge Everything

Last updated 3 years ago
  • Archetype Midrange
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 23600
  • Your Cost 23600
Nifty129's Avatar Banned 0

I used to run this in shurima but since the nerf to merciless rider and the fact that you want high health followers so they can easily trade into cycling pieces to level jarvan means mono demacia seems a bit better.

I've chosen to splash Vi I do think she is "better" than she used to be because decks never run hard removal these days.

People say every deck is just value soup but my decks my friend are all original, thematic...and value soup 😅

*Now that vanguard Sargent and badger bear are the same card I guess we just run that it empowers challenges at slow speed

**I highly recommend this as a.anti meta list right now, answering things on curve is the best way to stop these value engine decks from steam rolling you - big problem removal is not a on curve answer in LOR so challengers are as good as it gets right now.

***here's an example someone is playing Kenin infinite bounce shenanigans, we have bird and mystic, someone is playing a tribal deck, boom we have answers before they give everything plus 1, we have sharp sight for temo and ezreal, like if your deck does not have on curve answers and relies on infinite late game value youre gonna have a bad time.

Final: already instantly won the kenin matchup I was targeting, because again there strongest play is 4 mana follower into two kenins but we have challengers to remove that value for free, we ate Ezreal with sharp sight, countered a palm with single and its all over. That matchup is unwinnable for them because unlike karma ezreal their deck doesn't "do" anything.

Matchup data: 1 for 1 with fated unfavorable matchup, auto win against gangplank aggro, targons Peak, and Ezreal. Swain was a win but I call it 50/50 based on how it felt. Plus another free Kenin win...wait did I just beat the game?

Conclusion: Overall it feels great, lacks the chance to go as big as fated decks but we have better on curve answers to things and that's the whole point of this deck, we answer the opponents.deck we don't present the strongest one sided board states.

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