Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Rumble Sion

Last updated 3 years ago
  • Archetype Midrange
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 25300
  • Your Cost 25300
Nifty129's Avatar Banned 0

So this is the deck everybody wanted to work, and it does quite well.

You just have to have an imagination with deck building and understand how certain tech choices open up your playstyle.

Like bandle squire and baladeer why are they in the deck, obvious answer they provide card advantage and they are decently agressive

Otherwise not a lot to say here, you have your Sion finisher, your discard outlets and enough crap to discard that going down on 3 cards does.not matter at all especially with things like lost soul etc.

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