Ekko Zillian Is Op Now
Last updated 2 years, 4 months ago
- Archetype Combo
- Deck Type Ranked
- Crafting Cost 28800
- Your Cost
Being able to turbo level Zillian more consistently even then Ekko, who is pretty consistent means voices of the risen always lands and card advantage is no longer a problem.
This deck is legit scary eight now, like removing Zillian on sight is a thing when before the right play was to always to ignore.
Tweaked for the final version of the meta. Went 6/0 against strong decks so it's pretty good.
Small tweaks can be made like a second rite of calling or second rite of negation but you also don't want to go too low on cheap predicts 3 spells is about right.
I've tried a lot of predict payoffs and xenotype researchers is perfect for the midrange construction turning your small stuff big, giving you that 3/3 body on curve.
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