The Only Good Evelyn Deck
Last updated 2 years, 7 months ago
- Archetype Control
- Deck Type Ranked
- Crafting Cost 26700
- Your Cost
Basically you're using the cheap stat manipulation that evelyn wants with the likes of purple berry shake, and heroic refrain to jam big evelyns or stems, make trades, play big husks etc.
You have cheap removal with spike and pokey leaving the only gap in your deck how do you deal with Kaisa, so were running 3 minimorphs because our deck curves out just fine and doesn't need more creatures.
Stuff like conchologist and square are general purpose card advantage tools.
Poppy is whatever, like there is synergy there where if she gets big she can be hard to deal with but honestly gnar might just be better
Stress defense is better both from a combo perspective set a thrall to 1/6 jam a creature for that boost to become permanent
But also on defense to protect life total or creatures.
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