Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Meming In Eternal

Last updated 1 year, 5 months ago
  • Archetype Combo
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 24300
  • Your Cost 24300
Nifty129's Avatar Banned 0

Kinda fun to duplicate toad and get the one sided avalanche.

Beat the old pirate aggro list which is hilarious.

Shows how much more competitive my.version is.

Wouldn't be in masters without it

Typically playing a deck with nothing in it that doesn't do anything isn't a great call, this meme deck has put in the work before unlike random jank

Like keep in mind my brews take me to masters where most players can't even climb with meta lists...so yeah my memes better than yours generally speaking

Thays right I just won 3 games in a row against 3 different decks as...transform....transform...say it with me now transform...and how can that be?

Cuz I'm the eternal king 🤴 😌 

Thats right even Annie jhin concedes to a meme!!!! Hahahahahahahaha the powa

I whiffed on all 6 of my pings it happens not often tho or 9 if you count the 2 drop. Otherwise your deck wasn't doing anything

Yeeeeah we kinda talked about how the jank needs to be playable.

My decks absolutely dominate meta lists they aren't just a random pile.

Again masters memer then you

I'm dead drawing so let's just add fracture

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