This guide describes the process Riot uses when designing new Champion cards for Legends of Runeterra along with a census that lists all the regions, which champions have been released so far, and which unreleased champions we anticipate in the future.

If you are looking for information on how to gain more Champion cards for your collection, please check out this guide instead!

Table of Contents

    Champion Overview

    In LoR, Champions are special units comparable to legendary cards in other CCGs. Champions tend to be "tentpole" cards that the rest of the deck is built around. When you start a match, you will see which Champions are in your opponent's deck which will give you an idea of what deck archetype they are playing. During the game, you can see how far either your champions or their champions are progressing in their respective level up quests by clicking on the respective deck. Playing games with particular champions also earns you Mastery Points towards that Champion.

    Champion cards have some unique rules:

    • Decks can have a maximum of 6 total champion cards
    • Champions have at least 2 forms: a "Level 1" form which is its default state, and a "Level 2" form which it becomes after a special quest is completed
      • Ascended Champions have an additional "Level 3" form which is unlocked by completing the Buried Sun Disc quest
    • Champion quests generally take one of two forms: "I have" or "You have"
      • "I have" Champions will only progress if they are in play when the condition is met (e.g., Thresh, Garen). If they leave play, all progress is reset.
      • "You have" Champions progress regardless of their presence (e.g., Teemo, Ashe). If you complete the quest while they aren't in play, they will instantly level as soon as you summon them.
    • Champions are not followers and are immune to certain effects like Purify and She Who Wanders
    • If you already have an allied champion in play, any additional cards of that champion in your hand become that champion's signature spell. If you cast that spell, it will shuffle in an additional copy of the champion into your deck.
      • It is possible to get multiple copies of the same champion in to play at the same time, but it requires using cards like The Rekindler or Feel The Rush that can directly summon them rather than playing them from hand.

    If you are looking for information about Champion Skins, check out this guide!

    Champion Design Process

    Whenever Riot starts the design process for introducing a new champion into LoR, they start by asking LoL players what makes the champion special in that game. They want to make the play experience comparable between the two games, but the form of creating that experience can different.

    • Zed is an assassin who strikes quickly and can kill quickly in both games, but in LoL this is achieved through mechanical complexity while in LoR this is achieved passively through his abilities
    • Aphelios is defined by the complexity and adaptability of his moon weapons
    • For Zoe, they focused on her whimsical personality rather than anything mechanical

    Additionally, Riot has said that they plan to eventually incorporate all LoL champions into LoR.

    Champion Census for the 9 Released Regions

    This is listing of all the LoL champions who are affiliated with the 9 current LoR regions. This information is based from the information on LoL's official lore site except where the champion has already been released to LoR in a different region. Out of respect for the developer, we are limiting this guide to public knowledge and not including any "leaked" champion information. 

    9 Champions are identified as from Bilgewater: 6 released; 3 likely future additions.

    1. Fizz
    2. Gangplank
    3. Miss Fortune
    4. Nautilus
    5. Tahm Kench
    6. Twisted Fate
    7. Graves
    8. Illaoi
    9. Pyke

     16 Champions are identified as Demacian: 7 released; 1 as a follower; 8-9 likely future additions

    1. Garen
    2. Lux
    3. Jarvan IV
    4. Lucian
    5. Fiora
    6. Quinn
    7. Shyvana
    8. Senna, Sentinel of Light (uncertain if she’ll get an additional champ card)
    9. Galio
    10. Kayle (also associated with Targon)
    11. Morgana (also associated with Targon)
    12. Poppy
    13. Sona
    14. Sylas (also associated with Freljord)
    15. Vayne
    16. Xin Zhao

    14 Champions are identified as Freljordian: 7 released; 7 likely future additions

    1. Anivia
    2. Ashe
    3. Braum
    4. Lissandra
    5. Sejuani
    6. Trundle
    7. Tryndamere
    8. Gnar
    9. Gragas
    10. Nunu and Willump
    11. Olaf
    12. Ornn
    13. Udyr
    14. Volibear

    Additionally, Sylas is associated with Frejlord.

    22 Champions are identifed as Ionian: 7 released; 1 as a follower; 14-15 likely future additions

    1. Irelia
    2. Lulu (relocated from Bandle City)
    3. Lee Sin
    4. Karma
    5. Shen
    6. Yasuo
    7. Zed
    8. Yone, Windchaser (uncertain if he'll get an additional champ card)
    9. Ahri
    10. Akali
    11. Ivern
    12. Jhin
    13. Kayn
    14. Kennen
    15. Lillia
    16. Master Yi
    17. Rakan
    18. Sett
    19. Syndra
    20. Varus
    21. Wukong
    22. Xayah

     14 Champions are identified as Noxian: 7 released; 7 likely future additions

    1. Darius
    2. Draven
    3. Katarina
    4. LeBlanc
    5. Riven
    6. Swain
    7. Vladimir
    8. Cassiopeia (also associated with Shurima)
    9. Kled
    10. Mordekaiser (also a candidate for relocation to SI)
    11. Rell
    12. Samira
    13. Sion
    14. Talon

    Additionally, Alistar and Annie are associated with Noxus. 

    21 Champions are identified as either Piltovian or Zaunite: 6 released; 15 likely future additions.

    1. Ezreal
    2. Jinx
    3. Heimerdinger
    4. Teemo (relocated from Bandle City)
    5. Vi
    6. Viktor
    7. Camille
    8. Caitlyn
    9. Ekko
    10. Jayce
    11. Orianna
    12. Twitch
    13. Blitzcrank
    14. Dr Mundo
    15. Janna
    16. Seraphine
    17. Singed
    18. Urgot
    19. Warwick
    20. Zac
    21. Ziggs

    11 Champions are identified as from The Shadow Isles: 7 released; 4 likely future additions.

    1. Elise
    2. Hecarim
    3. Kalista
    4. Kindred (relocated from regionless)
    5. Maokai
    6. Nocturne (relocated from regionless)
    7. Thresh
    8. Gwen
    9. Karthus
    10. Viego
    11. Yorick

    Additionally, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Mordekaiser, and Shaco are all strong candidates for relocation to SI.

    9 Champions are identified as Shurimian: 6 released; 4 likely future additions.

    1. Azir
    2. Nasus
    3. Renekton
    4. Sivir
    5. Taliyah
    6. Zilean (relocated from regionless)
    7. Amumu
    8. Rammus
    9. Skarner
    10. Xerath

    Additionally, Aatrox, Jax, Kai'Sa, Malzahar, Rengar, and Rek'Sai are associated with Shurima.

    9 Champions are identified as Targonian: 8 released; 1 likely future addition.

    1. Aphelios
    2. Aurelion Sol
    3. Diana
    4. Leona
    5. Soraka
    6. Taric
    7. Zoe
    8. Malphite (relocated from Ixtal)
    9. Pantheon

    Additionally, Kayle, Morgana, and Nami are associated with Targon, and Bard is a likely candidate for relocation.

    Unreleased Champions Not Affiliated with a Released Region

    These are the remaining champions who have are not affiliated any released region. Riot has declared that there will be one more region introduced in August 2021 so it is possible for one of these regions to be promoted to the above list; otherwise, it remains to be seen how exactly these champions will incorporated into LoR.

    7 Champions are identified as being from Bandle City; 2 have been released under different regions.

    1. Corki
    2. Rumble
    3. Tristana
    4. Veigar
    5. Yuumi
    6. Lulu (released under Ionia)
    7. Teemo (released under to Piltover & Zaun)

    6 Champions are identified as being from Ixtal; 1 has been released under a different region.

    1. Malphite (released under Targon)
    2. Neeko
    3. Nidalee
    4. Qiyana
    5. Rengar
    6. Zyra

    8 Champions are identified as being from The Void; all are unreleased so far.

    1. Cho'Gath
    2. Kassadin (also associated with Shurima)
    3. Kha'Zix
    4. Kai'Sa (also associated with Shurima)
    5. Kog'Maw
    6. Malzahar (also associated with Shurima)
    7. Rek'Sai (also associated with Shurima)
    8. Vel'Koz

    Finally, there are multiple champions who in LoL are not affiliated with any specific region and generally regarded as being from the entire continent of Runeterra at-large. Excluding champions who have already been released in LoR under specific regions, there are 11 remaining unreleased "global" champions.

    1. Aatrox (also associated with Shurima)
    2. Alistar (also associated with Noxus)
    3. Annie (also associated with Noxus)
    4. Bard (likely candidate for relocation to Targon)
    5. Brand
    6. Evelynn (likely candidate for relocation to SI)
    7. Fiddlesticks (likely candidate for relocation to SI)
    8. Jax (also associated with Shurima)
    9. Nami (also associated with Targon)
    10. Ryze
    11. Shaco (likely candidate for relocation to SI)