Game update on December 11, 2024 introduced four new Special Alliance Buildings into the game and one new Special Item.

Secured Alliance Gathering Nodes

  • Great Farm (originally named Breeding Station)
  • Sawmill
  • Coal Washery
  • Great Smelter

These buildings serve as a protected Gathering Nodes for either Meat, Wood, Coal or Iron. Any number of alliance members can gather simultaneously and other players cannot attack you there. Which makes this Gathering Node especially useful during the Brothers in Arms (BiA) event, otherwise known as "Kill Event" (KE), where server infighting usually happens and regular Gathering Nodes are being attacked and so it is difficult to gather any resources for 2 days and complete Daily Missions peacfuly.

  • Your alliance can only build one of the Secured Gathering Nodes at a time, and they last for 12 hours.
  • Only Chiefs of Furnace Level 16 or higher can gather at Secured Alliance Gathering Nodes!
  • Gathered resources are placed in the "Secured Resources" category, meaning those are protected from raiding attacks on your city and not lost during State Transfer!

To be able to build these buildings, your alliance needs to fulfill these requirements:

  • Have an Alliance Level of 8 or more,
  • have 50 or more members,
  • reached server milestone [Grand Conquest].

Cost of the any of the Gathering Nodes is 200K Meat, 200K Wood, 200K Coal and 200K Iron in Alliance Resources. So not exactly cheap for new Alliances, but something to spend those resources on for established Alliances that no longer need to build tons of banners.

Alliance Bomb

A type of "clearance tool" which can be placed within an alliance territory to clear unused Resource Nodes, Beasts, and Polar Terrors from the blast radius. This is helpful to clear space for players to be able to teleport back to their designated spots in the alliance territory and remove the need to wait for the Resource Node to be gathered or Polar Terror defeated.

  • The Bomb has 3 charges.
  • 1 charges recovers after 5(?) hours. Not entirely sure on the timing yet.

To be able to use this item, your alliance needs to fulfill these requirements:

  • Have an Alliance Level of 5 or more.