State of Power otherwise known as State vs State (SVS) among the players, is a top-end event that repeats monthly and allows players from two servers fight for fame and glory, and more importantly, for a chance to become the Supreme President and rule over both states for a duration of two weeks.

  • Players need to have reached Furnace Level 16 to be eligible to join the event.

Matchmaking Phase

During this phase, players can check detailed rules about the event in the in-game event menu, info about the enemy state, starting time, and reward details.

A very complex algorithm, which is not known publicly, that selects which two states will battle each other. Generally, states in your vicinity and of the same Hero Generation will be chosen.

  • There is a rumor going on online that pops up every now and again which says that reducing your power across the state by reforging Hero Gear and resetting levels of your Heroes in Drill Camp will help with the matchmaking and helps you land a weaker opponent, but developers repeatedly disputed this. And there really isn't any way to confirm it either way. So I would not recommend going through this hassle.

Preparation Phase

This phase lasts five and a half days, starting on Monday at 00:00 UTC and ending on Saturday at 10:00 UTC. Each day brings a different stage for players from both States to score points in for their State, alliance and themselves, to earn rewards and try to win the Preparation phase for their State.

  • State that wins in this phase will gain a Healing and Enlistment Office Capacity buff for the Battle Phase.
  • Cross-State Castle Battle will be held within the defeated State territory.

Preparation Phase, Stage 1: City Construction

Raise Chief Charm max score by 1.70
Use 1 Fire Crystals to upgrade buildings.2,000
Use 1 Fire Crystal Shards for Research.1,000
Use 1 Refined Fire Crystals to upgrade buildings.30,000
Use 1m Speedups for Construction.30
Use 1m Speedups for Research.30
Use 1m Speedups for Training (Training, Promotion).30

Personal Points Rewards

If you reach 200,000 points you are also awarded with 1 State Medal.

30,000 pts

  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 30x 5m Training Speedup
  • 200x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

100,000 pts

  • 5x Sunfire Token
  • 3,000 Gems
  • 30x 5m Construction Speedup
  • 300x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

200,000 pts

  • 10x Sunfire Token
  • 13x Fire Crystal
  • 30x 5m Research Speedup
  • 400x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

Alliance Points Rewards

Alliance rewards will not be distributed to members who leave the alliance before the tally phase.


  • 1x Sunfire Token
  • 10x 10K Wood
  • 2x 10K Coal
  • 5x 1K Iron


  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 2x Gathering Speed Boost (8h)
  • 25x 5m Healing Speedup
  • 30x 10K Resource Supply Chest


  • 3x Sunfire Token
  • 5x Mythic Exploration Manual
  • 5x Mythic Expedition Manual

Preparation Phase, Stage 2: Basic Skills Up

Use 1 Fire Crystals to upgrade buildings.2,000
Use 1 Fire Crystal Shards for Research.1,000
Use 1 Refined Fire Crystals to upgrade buildings.30,000
Use 1m Speedups for Construction.30
Use 1m Speedups for Research.30
Use 1m Speedups for Training (Training, Promotion).30
Play Lucky Wheel 1 times.8,000
Use 1 Rare Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.350
Use 1 Epic Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.1,220
Use 1 Mythic Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.3,040
Gather 1,000 Meat in the Wilderness.2
Gather 1,000 Wood in the Wilderness.2
Gather 200 Coal in the Wilderness.2
Gather 50 Iron in the Wilderness.2

Personal Points Rewards

If you reach 270,000 points you are also awarded with 1 State Medal.

40,000 pts

  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 30x 5m Training Speedup
  • 200x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

120,000 pts

  • 5x Sunfire Token
  • 3,000 Gems
  • 30x 5m Construction Speedup
  • 300x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

270,000 pts

  • 10x Sunfire Token
  • 5x Lucky Chip
  • 30x 5m Research Speedup
  • 400x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

Alliance Points Rewards

Alliance rewards will not be distributed to members who leave the alliance before the tally phase.


  • 1x Sunfire Token
  • 10x 10K Wood
  • 2x 10K Coal
  • 5x 1K Iron


  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 2x Expedition (Recalls troops on Marching to destination)
  • 25x 5m Healing Speedup
  • 30x 10K Resource Supply Chest


  • 3x Sunfire Token
  • 5x Mythic Exploration Manual
  • 5x Mythic Expedition Manual

Preparation Phase, Stage 3: Beast Slay

Pet advancement score increases by 1.50
Use 1 Advanced Wild Marks to refine pets.15,000
Use 1 Common Wild Marks to refine pets.1,150
Raise Chief Charm max score by 1.70
Play Lucky Wheel 1 times.8,000
Use 1 Rare Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.350
Use 1 Epic Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.1,220
Use 1 Mythic Hero Shard(s) to ascend Heroes.3,040
Call Rally and hunt down 1 Polar Terror(s).30,000
Defeat 1 Lv. 1 to 10 Beast.9,000
Defeat 1 Lv. 11 to 15 Beast.9,750
Defeat 1 Lv. 16 to 20 Beast.10,500
Defeat 1 Lv. 20 to 25 Beast.11,250
Defeat 1 Lv. 26 to 30 Beast.12,000

Personal Points Rewards

If you reach 300,000 points you are also awarded with 1 State Medal.

80,000 pts

  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 30x 5m Training Speedup
  • 200x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

150,000 pts

  • 5x Sunfire Token
  • 3,000 Gems
  • 30x 5m Construction Speedup
  • 300x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

300,000 pts

  • 10x Sunfire Token
  • 10x Charm Design
  • 30x 5m Research Speedup
  • 400x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

Alliance Points Rewards

Alliance rewards will not be distributed to members who leave the alliance before the tally phase.


  • 1x Sunfire Token
  • 10x 10K Wood
  • 2x 10K Coal
  • 5x 1K Iron


  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 5x March Accelerator I
  • 25x 5m Healing Speedup
  • 30x 10K Resource Supply Chest


  • 3x Sunfire Token
  • 5x Mythic Exploration Manual
  • 5x Mythic Expedition Manual

Preparation Phase, Stage 4: Hero Development

Raise Chief Charm max score by 1.70
Use 1 Hero Gear Essence Stone(s).4,000
Use 1 Widget(s) of any Hero Exclusive Gear.8,000
Use 1 Mithril.40,000
Train 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s)*.3
Train 1 Lv. 2 Troop(s)*.4
Train 1 Lv. 3 Troop(s)*.5
Train 1 Lv. 4 Troop(s)*.8
Train 1 Lv. 5 Troop(s)*.12
Train 1 Lv. 6 Troop(s)*.18
Train 1 Lv. 7 Troop(s)*.25
Train 1 Lv. 8 Troop(s)*.35
Train 1 Lv. 9 Troop(s)*.45
Train 1 Lv. 10 Troop(s)*.60
Train 1 Lv. 11 Troop(s)*.75

*Points earned from promotion are the difference in points between training troops of the corresponding levels.

Personal Points Rewards

If you reach 300,000 points you are also awarded with 1 State Medal.

80,000 pts

  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 30x 5m Training Speedup
  • 200x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

150,000 pts

  • 5x Sunfire Token
  • 3,000 Gems
  • 30x 5m Construction Speedup
  • 300x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

300,000 pts

  • 10x Sunfire Token
  • 8x Essence Stones
  • 30x 5m Research Speedup
  • 400x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

Alliance Points Rewards

Alliance rewards will not be distributed to members who leave the alliance before the tally phase.


  • 1x Sunfire Token
  • 10x 10K Wood
  • 2x 10K Coal
  • 5x 1K Iron


  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 1x Troops Attack Up I (2hrs)
  • 25x 5m Healing Speedup
  • 30x 10K Resource Supply Chest


  • 3x Sunfire Token
  • 5x Mythic Exploration Manual
  • 5x Mythic Expedition Manual

Preparation Phase, Stage 5: Power Boost

This phase is active for 34 hours instead of regular 24. It ends at 10:00 UTC on Saturday when Battle Phase begins.

Pet advancement score increases by 1.50
Use 1 Advanced Wild Marks to refine pets.15,000
Use 1 Common Wild Marks to refine pets.1,150
Use 1 Mithril.40,000
Raise max Chief Gear score by 1 (excluding Charm).36
Use 1 Hero Gear Essence Stone(s).4,000
Use 1 Widget(s) of any Hero Exclusive Gear.8,000
Use 1 Fire Crystals to upgrade buildings.2,000
Use 1 Fire Crystal Shards for Research.1,000
Use 1 Refined Fire Crystals to upgrade buildings.30,000
Use 1m Speedups for Construction.30
Use 1m Speedups for Research.30
Use 1m Speedups for Training (Training, Promotion).30

Personal Points Rewards

If you reach 250,000 points you are also awarded with 1 State Medal.

40,000 pts

  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 30x 5m Training Speedup
  • 200x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

130,000 pts

  • 5x Sunfire Token
  • 3,000 Gems
  • 30x 5m Construction Speedup
  • 300x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

250,000 pts

  • 10x Sunfire Token
  • 15x Design Plan
  • 30x 5m Research Speedup
  • 400x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

Alliance Points Rewards

Alliance rewards will not be distributed to members who leave the alliance before the tally phase.


  • 1x Sunfire Token
  • 10x 10K Wood
  • 2x 10K Coal
  • 5x 1K Iron


  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 1x Troops Defense Up I (2hrs)
  • 25x 5m Healing Speedup
  • 30x 10K Resource Supply Chest


  • 3x Sunfire Token
  • 5x Mythic Exploration Manual
  • 5x Mythic Expedition Manual

Battle Phase

Battle phase lasts for 12 hours. Starts at 10:00 UTC on Saturday and ends at 22:00 UTC. When this phase begins, any President buff that is active will be deactivated.

  • From 10:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC, players can teleport to the enemy State and score points by attacking enemy players' cities. Cannot attack Alliance buildings, but can teleport into enemy Alliance territory.
    • It is highly recommended for players (especially if they are weak) to put up a Shield to prevent enemies from killing their troops before the Castle Battle even begins.
    • Alliances can come together and reinforce players who were offline and didn't put up Shield in time, to stop enemies from killing their troops.
      • Beware that when you are under a Shield, starting an attack or joining a rally will drop the Shield and debuff you with not being able to Shield again for 30 min, exposing yourself to attacks. So take that into consideration.
      • You can send reinforcements without losing your Shield though.
      • If someone reinforces you, you can teleport around your State and keep the reinforcements. You will lose the reinforcements if you teleport to the enemy State, or if the reinforcing player recalls them or they themselves teleport.
  • At 12:00 UTC, Cross-State Castle Battle begins in the state that lost the Preparation phase. The battle lasts up to 6 hours. Battle ends when:
    • one state holds the Castle consecutively for 3 hours (meaning the alliances holding Castle can change, but must be from the same state),
    • or if 6 hours have passed, then the alliance who held the Castle the longest is the winner.
    • If the turrets and the Castle are controlled by alliances from the same State, then the turrets will not attack the Castle.
  • Players can still cross States and attack enemy players to earn points even during the Castle Battle and after, up to 22:00 UTC.
    • Players often make a mistake thinking that when Castle Battle ends, State of Power is over. Wrong. Players should remember to put up Shield again until the end of the Battle phase unless they want to get their troops killed by enemies crossing State and attacking their cities. Which is a common occurrence since players will still want to get more points for the leaderboard placement.
Every 1,000 Power occupies Sunfire Castle or any Turret for 60 s.1
Kill 1 Lv. 1 enemy Troop(s).*1
Kill 1 Lv. 2 enemy Troop(s).*1
Kill 1 Lv. 3 enemy Troop(s).*2
Kill 1 Lv. 4 enemy Troop(s).*3
Kill 1 Lv. 5 enemy Troop(s).*4
Kill 1 Lv. 6 enemy Troop(s).*5
Kill 1 Lv. 7 enemy Troop(s).*7
Kill 1 Lv. 8 enemy Troop(s).*9
Kill 1 Lv. 9 enemy Troop(s).*11
Kill 1 Lv. 10 enemy Troop(s).*13
Kill 1 Lv. 11 enemy Troop(s).*15
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*1
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*1
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*2
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*3
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*4
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*5
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*7
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*9
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*11
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*13
Lost 1 Lv. 1 Troop(s) in the battle with the opposing State.*15

*You will only gain points by eliminating enemy Troops or having injured Troops when you battle Chiefs from the opposing State with a difference in Furnace Level not greater than 3. (Note: When rallying, the Furnace Level of the Rally Captain will be considered. When there are reinforcements on the battlefield, then the Furnace Level of the assisted will be considered.)

Note: I asked game support about the 3 level difference, they say it applies in both directions. This means that if you are say Furnace Level 30, you will only get points from enemies from Furnace level 27 to Fire Crystal 3. Plus 3 and minus 3 from your Furnace Level. To get points from enemies outside your range, you would need to join a rally, then the range is calculated off the rally leader and that is what determines if anyone in the rally gets SVS points or not.

Personal Points Rewards

If you reach 250,000 points you are also awarded with 1 State Medal.

48,000 pts

  • 5x Sunfire Token
  • 30x 5m Training Speedup
  • 200x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

120,000 pts

  • 10x Sunfire Token
  • 4,000 Gems
  • 30x 5m Construction Speedup
  • 300x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

250,000 pts

  • 20x Sunfire Token
  • 13x Fire Crystal
  • 30x 5m Research Speedup
  • 400x 10K Secured Resource Supply Chest

Alliance Points Rewards

Alliance rewards will not be distributed to members who leave the alliance before the tally phase.


  • 2x Sunfire Token
  • 80x 10K Wood
  • 80x 10K Coal
  • 16x 1K Iron


  • 4x Sunfire Token
  • 1x Troop Defense Up I (2hrs)
  • 25x 5m Healing Speedup
  • 30x 10K Resource Supply Chest


  • 8x Sunfire Token
  • 5x Mythic Exploration Manual
  • 5x Mythic Expedition Manual

Battle Phase Outcomes

There can be several scenarios that can happen based on which state won the Preparation Phase and Battle Phase.

Scenario 1: State A - Won Preparation Phase, Won Battle Phase

  • Castle Battle held in State B.
  • Winning alliance from State A appoints Supreme President to rule over both State A and State B.

Scenario 2: State A - Won Preparation Phase, Lost Battle Phase

  • Castle Battle held in State B.
  • The alliance from State A who held the Castle the longest appoints President to rule over State A.
  • The winning alliance from State B appoints President to rule over State B.

Scenario 3: State A - Lost Preparation Phase, Won Battle Phase

  • Castle Battle held in State A.
  • The winning alliance from State A appoints President to rule over State A.
  • The alliance from State B who held the Castle the longest appoints President to rule over State B.

Scenario 4: State A - Lost Preparation Phase, Lost Battle Phase

  • Castle Battle held in State A.
  • Winning alliance from State B appoints Supreme President to rule over both State A and State B.

This means that if your state wins the Preparation Phase your Castle and Presidency is safe either way. Which is why a tactic for a weaker state might be trying to win the Preparation Phase knowing they have no chance to actually win over the enemy Castle.

Field Triage Phase

When this phase starts, an automatic state-wide buff of +20% Healing Speed is activated. The phase starts at 22:00 UTC on Saturday and lasts until 23:59 UTC on Monday.

Troops lost in the Battle Phase can be revived, with the base revival rate of 30%, raised to 90% maximum through following methods:

  • Purchase and use Revival Potion with gems to increase the revival rate by 1%, up to 10%.

  • Each player gets 20 Rebirth Tomes that can be used to increase the revival rate by 1% each for Alliance members that have requested Revival Assistance. Each player can be assisted by allies for up to 50 times resulting in a revival rate increase up to 50%.

The number of troops to be revived is based on the losses stated in the battle reports from attacks during Battle Phase (excluding troops in the Enlistment Office).

If you have lost very few troops do not Request assistance with reviving your troops, at least not right away. Allies who have lost a lot of troops should be given preference to help them recover. But from experience, players will waste Rebirth Tomes on someone with few troops lost. The Triage Phase lasts for 2 days, wait a day or two to Request assistance until the players with the most losses were already given help.

Tip: If you have farm character(s) in the same State you can temporarily invite them into your alliance and use their Rebirth Tomes to help your alliance members.

Rewards - Medal of Honor

Reach the highest grade of personal points in the Preparation and Battle Phases of State of Power to obtain 1 State Medal. More State Medals, more rewards.

Rewards - Preparation Phase

Personal and Alliance Stage Rewards from daily tasks are listed under respective Stage's section above.

Individual Ranking Rewards - Preparation Phase

Stage Personal Ranking Rewards

Each Stage has the same rewards.

Total Personal Ranking Rewards

The Hero Shards change each generation. You'll receive the shards for "Hero of the Season".

Alliance Ranking Rewards - Preparation Phase

Alliance rewards will not be distributed to members who leave the alliance before the tally phase.

Stage Alliance Ranking Rewards

Each Stage has the same rewards.

Total Alliance Ranking Rewards

Rewards - Battle Phase

Individual Ranking Rewards - Battle Phase

The Hero Shards change each generation. You'll receive the shards for "Hero of the Season".

Alliance Ranking Rewards - Battle Phase

Alliance rewards will not be distributed to members who leave the alliance before the tally phase.

State of Power - Preparation Phase Spreadsheet

Complete overview of all five stages of Preparation Phase and which activities are happening on a given day.

State of Power Shop

You can use Sunfire Tokens to buy items in this shop.

Exclusive Items are available only to the state that has won their last State of Power's Battle Phase.

Tip: You can save up Sunfire Tokens for the future. The shop resets before the next SVS, meaning if you have won last time you can buy the Exclusive Items "in advance" again "just to be safe" should your state lose the next one.

More pictures in the future. This here just to give new players an idea what is this event all about :)