After Casino TF, the next archetype I wanted to showcase is Championless Undying as popularized by Mogwai. Honestly, I hesitated a little to share this one -- I have some specific concerns about how viable it will be after the release of Call of the Mountain which we'll get into later -- but that's not until Wednesday, right? So meanwhile, here's another fun, budget-friendly off-meta archetype that is unlike any other deck you've played. It also runs zero champions, which is great for if you're trying to hold on to all your champion wildcards until after the new expansion releases.

The Undying Card Image Cursed Keeper Card Image

As mentioned, this archetype runs zero champions and instead doubles-down on two death-loving followers, The Undying and Cursed Keeper. With the exception of a few survival spells, every other card in these decks is dedicated to either maximizing value out of those two followers (usually by killing them) or drawing cards. Again, I'm going to provide two variants. The Bilgewater variant is my favorite - it uses the vulnerable mechanic to force your opponent to make horrible trades. The Demacia variant plays similarly, but it relies Single Combat and En Garde to force trades. 

Hired Gun Card Image Sheriff Lariette Rose Card Image En Garde Card Image


In theory, you could summarize the strategy for this deck as 

  1. Play 1-2 The Undying
  2. Have them die a lot, getting bigger each time
  3. Attack your opponent with a giant The Undying until they are dead

...Unfortunately, it will never be that simple in practice. To begin with, you often won't draw The Undying by turn 3. That's were Cursed Keeper comes in: he doesn't have the same infinite potential, but an Escaped Abomination will provide a huge tempo swing which should give you some options. Next, you need to be aware of how really easy to fall behind with this deck. Both our priority units, The Undying and Cursed Keeper, can't block. The good news is that if your attacks are threatening enough, your opponent will need to sacrifice units on defense, but building up that much momentum will take some careful early plays. This deck epitomizes the mantra "The best defense is a good offense".

Whimsy! Card Image

However the biggest challenge of all is how vulnerable The Undying is to special effects like Detain, Will of Ionia, Devourer of the Depths, L2 Lee Sin, Purify, and soon, Whimsy! and Hush. Against some of those threats, you at least have the potential to play around thanks to Glimpse Beyond -- make sure to hold these judiciously against Demacia, Ionia, or Deep -- but the latter all play at burst speed. If you can avoid committing too hard on any single The Undying and instead focus on Cursed Keepers and your other units this will mitigate some of the risks. Still, in general, it will be an unfavored matchup. This was the root of my concerns voiced at the start of the article: if Whimsy!, Sunburst, and Hush become extremely popular after Wednesday, they will severely hamper this deck's livelihood, so beware.

One final note on strategy: be aware that you have multiple options for Chronicler of Ruin. Most of the time, you'll want to target either The Undying (this will create a 2nd) or Cursed Keeper (effectively a free 4/3). However you can also target anything with a summoning perk -- Sheriff Lariette Rose/Hired Gun (give enemies vulnerable), Vanguard Redeemer (free card draw), or Radiant Guardian (full HP plus guaranteed activation) or just anything you want to heal back to full health.

Mulligan Guide

  • I usually mulligan hard for The Undying. The exceptions are if I drew a Cursed Keeper or if I expect silence effects will be a problem.
  • Warden's Prey is a great 1-drop in this deck and worth digging for if you're concerned about aggro or want to stall Sejuani and/or Gangplank. Sometimes his Last Whisper will generate a The Undying or Cursed Keeper, which can save an unsuccessful mulligan.
  • Vile Feast and Grasp of the Undying are some of the aforementioned survival spells that can be vital for sniping early champions before they get out of hand.

Bilgewater Variant

Demacia Variant

Decklist Substitutions

  • The Undying: unfortunately, this is another case of "3x or play another deck". It is just too likely to stall out if you can't draw a single The Undying, and there will be games where you need that extra longevity that Cursed Keeper lacks.
  • Sheriff Lariette Rose: in the Bilgewater variant, I think you want a minimum of 1 to give some late-game gas -- giving everything vulnerable can be a total game-changer. Look to extra copies of The Ruination and Ye Been Warned if you cut down. 
  • The Ruination: both these decks currently run a single copy, and I honestly wonder if they need more, not less. If you don't have even the one, though, I would recommend Vengeance.

What do you guys think about this archetype?  Are there other decks you'd like us to showcase?  Let us know below!