New expansion, new recipes! If you're interested in the new fun that Whizbang the Wonderful is going to provide, or want some ideas for your own Uldum deckbuilding, which launches on Tuesday with the expansion, you're in the right place!

Druid Recipes

The new Druid recipe focuses on Choosing Both with a slightly token-y build. Don't let the slower, Mana-floating early turns fool you, the deck packs a heavy punch with minions like Oasis Surger and Cenarius, while also healing the damage taken during the slow start with Hidden Oasis quite handily.

The second recipe revolves around healing mechanics. Overflow seems like a Health-y addition to the deck, eh? No I won't show myself out, I still have 8 classes to go through.

Hunter Recipes

Rexxar won't be hunting alone as he needs 20 friends to complete his Quest in the new Hunter recipe. To help with that the deck packs a lot of 1/1s in cards like Swarm of Locusts and Halazzi, the Lynx.

Perfectly balanced: The second deck recipe (Mech Hunter) boasts a grand total of zero new cards.

Mage Recipes

The only highlander deck that is still allowed to be called a Reno deck in Standard. Despite the naming convention, we all know the true hero of this all-new Mage recipe: Zephrys the Great. Praised be!

The second recipe allows you to hang out with Dune Sculptor and Archmage Antonidas in a Tempo Mage environment.

Paladin Recipes

The new Paladin recipe is also trusting in the power of highlander (read: Zephrys). Will Control Paladin finally get it's time to shine?

The second recipe is slightly faster, a Secret Paladin.

Priest Recipes

The new Priest recipe may include the new quest but the playstyle is one of the oldest, Inner Fire Combo Priest. High Priest Amet will help you fix the health of the minions not capable of OTK-ing your opponent right away.

Alternatively, you can keep building walls with the second recipe.

Rogue Recipes

The new Rogue recipe packs so much burgling even without Academic Espionage that you should have no troubles completing the new Quest in no time.

If the Pirate's life is for you, here's Rogue recipe number two.

Shaman Recipes

Since the new Shaman Quest was about battlecries, you can probably guess what the new recipe has in store. That's right, biting jaws and catching claws.

The second recipe has our new fishy friends Murmy and Fishflinger in action alongside other Murlocs.

Warlock Recipes

The new Warlock recipe has Plot Twists helping you realize Rafaam's dreams of Supreme Archaeology.

The second recipe packs a Zoo-ful of Imps. So many Imps.

Warrior Recipes

No Dr. Booms in the new Warrior recipe as we wouldn't want to override the shiny Quest reward Anraphet's Core, would we?

The second recipe has The Boomship packed with big minions like Colossus of the Moon.