Glowstone Technician

Glowstone Technician Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

Battlecry: Give all minions in your hand +2/+2.

Flavor Text

"Windell! More light!" "I'm givin' it all she's got, Kangor!"


Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.

Glowstone Technician Sounds

Play VO_BOT_910_Male_Gnome_Play_02

Attack VO_BOT_910_Male_Gnome_Attack_01

Death VO_BOT_910_Male_Gnome_Death_01

Game Accessories

Battlecry Handbuff Light Infused Teambuilding

Card Balance and Changes

Patch Change
Boomsday Buffs

Cost reduced to 5 (from 6).


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