Commander Decks
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
Anyone else play commander format with paper? These are my current commanders:
Yeah most of them are from precon decks but the mill deck I made on my own :D
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Anyone else play commander format with paper? These are my current commanders:
Yeah most of them are from precon decks but the mill deck I made on my own :D
What is commander?
Paper Magic is not for me anymore. Tooooo expensive and time consuming.
However, I recognize Millstone from your avatar, it's from my teen days (started at IV and stopped at VII ed)
Commander is a Magic Format where you create a 100 card deck. The deck contains:
All cards in your deck must follow the color identity of your commander.
Additionally, instead of the normal 20 life you have in magic, commander decks start with 40. You also can play between up to 6 players in the same game in a free-for-all style match. It's pretty cool. I've never personally been able to play the commander format but I've had dreams of it. There's some really cool cards that will hurt every opponent which just feels so OP. That value.
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