Emperor Thaurissan

Emperor Thaurissan Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

At the end of your turn, reduce the Cost of cards in your hand by (1).

Flavor Text

His second greatest regret is summoning an evil Firelord who enslaved his entire people.

How to Unlock Emperor Thaurissan

Unlocked in Blackrock Depths, in the Blackrock Mountain adventure.

How to Unlock Golden Emperor Thaurissan

Crafting unlocked in Blackrock Depths, in the Blackrock Mountain adventure.

Emperor Thaurissan Sounds

Attack VO_BRMA03_1_HERO_POWER_06

Death VO_BRM_028_Death_08

Play VO_BRMA03_1_CARD_04

Play Battle_Play_Stinger_2

Related Cards

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Emperor Thaurissan Guides

Game Accessories

A Dark Hand Giant Army Handbuff Helping Hand Huge Hand Imperial Favor In Control In Control Legend Legendary Legends Legends Legends Legends Legends Legends Legends Legends Legends Mana Mighty Champions Re-Enforcer Smugglers

Card Balance and Changes

Patch Change
Battlegrounds Season 5

Stats changed to 5-Mana 4/4 (from 6-Mana 5/5).


  • rahmann's Avatar
    160 9 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    By the power of Ragnaros

  • MemeMachine's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 455 138 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hot damn this card makes me happy. One of the coolest cards in all of Hearthstone - an incredible effect to enable combos of all kinds, and an awesome voice line to boot (He-Man rules! now I am showing my age).


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