Exodia (OTK) Paladin featuring bananas!

Last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
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This is one of my favorite archetypes, or was, when OTK-ing Warriors and Druids with tons of armor, Mages behind Ice Block, Renolocks, Big Priests etc felt really good (from Frozen Throne to Rastakhan era). Today you have Quest Mage and a Mecha'Thun lock that OTKs consistently at turn 8 so... 

But it remains fun. If you want a nostalgic trip to that era and don't have many new cards, give it a shot. There are some modern versions with the librams package. Anyway, this one works like this:

1) Draw, draw, draw while controlling his board. We have tons of cycle and also Call to Arms to thin the deck very fast. Good old Equality / Shrink Ray / Wild Pyromancer combos still great. Just beware of Mal'ganis. Time Out! was a great addition because you can setup your AoE while immuning your face for a turn. Also love Shirvallah, the Tiger for a huge comeback against aggro (she'll usually cost 0,1,2...). You can even add a Zola to copy it.

2) Play Uther of the Ebon Blade asap! The weapon many times saves you and you need to set up that OTK.

3) When you have three 1 mana spells (or two plus The Coin) and Beardo in hand, play Emperor Thaurissan. This can be done before Uther too, which is awesome because then you can OTK at 10.

4) Next turn play Beardo and hero power 4 times for the kill. Leave space for 5 guys on board.

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  • EpicPickle's Avatar
    Sparklepony 810 301 Posts Joined 06/02/2020
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I used to love doing an Exodia Paladin. So much so, that I don't regret actually crafting Beardo to do it. I should try it again.

    How critical would you say Crystalsmith Kangor is here? I think that's the only card I don't have.

    • Siegfrieddo's Avatar
      Llanowar Elves 410 217 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
      Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

      Kangor is pretty good here (and many control paladins), sinergizing with a lot of heals, which can save you against aggro. That makes him a nice craft for Wild-only players, but a good replacement would be Mistress of Mixtures. Heals, trades and can be recruited by Call to Arms.


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