As with Demacia, we got several teases this morning before they unveiled the new Freljord Champion and some new cards. It looks like we guessed correctly with Sejuani! That also gives a lot of weight to our previous article that focused on datamined sound files. Make sure you take a look at the article if you want to get a good idea who to expect for each region. We also have a new Keyword: Vulnerable.
- Vulnerable: The enemy can challenge this unit, forcing it to block.
If they follow the same release schedule as this week we should see the new Champion Showcase video on Sunday at 1:00pm ET. I'm betting we see Ionia next as it looks like they're going in alphabetical order.
Reveal Video
Sejuani Artwork
You may have noticed there was something odd about one card revealed. Shawn Main, Lead Designer on Legends of Runeterra, had this to say about it.
Quote From Shawn Main Small clarification: You'll notice Stormclaw Ursine doesn't have a rarity gem as it's not a collectible card in the set. How do you get it into play? Wait for future reveals ;)
My guess is a new spell: 5 mana, slow, if you have damaged enemy Nexus this round, summon Stormclaw Ursine. Could be Sejuani's champion spell, too.
Sejuani is really strong, also she does so well with ashe.. seems like you can't really attack against freljord decks.. so much for scouts.
Stormclaw Ursine is an interesting card. It's way overstated for 5 mana, but it doesn't have a rarity gem. I think this might be the final form of a weaker card that evolves later, maybe through being Enlightened.
Good catch! I updated the article with a clarification from Shawn Main about this.
Cool, at least they're treating Sejuani better than in the actual game.
Sejuani is a really strong jungler, what are you talking about?
If you refer to her gameplay being boring.. ye I agree but powerlevel wise she is really strong
ah yes, that very strong 48% winrate.
They ruined her with a retarded rework that turned her into pick/ban in proplay so whenever she's anywhere near playable she gets nerfed into oblivion because some mental midget thought it would be a good idea to butcher a perfectly fine champion for his own demented fantasies of what her gameplay should be
Win rate is not everything, IIRC lee sin always have a sub 50% win rate and it doesn't make him a bad champion, it's strong in the right hands..
In league win rate doesn't mean much, just like in HS as well you can even in the data in HSreplay see that some decks have low win rate but see a build with 55% win rate listed.. my point is that some builds of the champion might have low win rate but other builds are superior and give her better win rate..
well builds.. or players as well.
ofc any one-trick can get a decent winrate on even the most garbage champion, but Sejuani is literally a losing pick in most matchups and there'S really no reason to pick her over any of the actually useful junglers.
The reason lee always has a subpar winrate is because he is more mechanically demanding so unexperienced playyers drag the winrate. Meanwhile Seju is as simple as possible and brings lots of CC which would usually result in her having an inflated winrate.
There's a reason she's listed as tier 5 on
so if I'm reading this correctly you can just get some mystic shots and then perma freeze everyone?
Sort of. You still need to level her up, which isn't trivial. And she needs to survive on board long enough for your mystic shot to resolve, which isn't trivial for as popular as Single Combat, Vengeance, Will of Ionia, Detain, and Noxian Guillotine are. And finally: she only does it once per round, so you can still buff afterwards to poke damage.
It's a super strong and exciting ability, but I don't think it will be broken. I predict she will actually combo better with Noxus than P&Z, since Noxus has lots of cheap hard-to-prevent nexus poke like Precious Pet, Saboteur, and Vlad.
You can even attack with Sejuani on the far left (first to attack) and if her attack conclude and deal dmg trought with overwhelm every other defending enemies will get frostbite, for this attack phase.
Vulnerable mechanic is interesting, looking forward to see more cards that give it to see how will it play out.
But Sejuani, damn, she seems a bit insane.