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Joined 02/04/2020 Achieve Points 90 Posts 19

Apfelkomplott's Comments

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Can confirm, had the same bug. Apparently Lee's passive doesn't get triggered when in-combat spells are resolved.

    In reply to lee sin barrier bug?
  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Be careful what you wish for. Frostbite being burst means that you actually CAN react to it for a lot of decks. Because it is burst, you can attack-buff your unit in combat after it has been frostbitten. If frostbite spells were fast and played first thing in combat, they would resolve last, meaning your unit would have 0 power no matter what.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Actin
    Quote From FortyDust

    I'm honestly not a fan of any part of the current reward system, and I'm actually thrilled to see the cracks are showing. I mean, their heart is in the right place by not selling randomized packs, but it still needs a lot of work.

    If they believe their own statement about making every card playable

    While this game is much more generous than Hearthstone, it's still a gacha system at its core. Eventually your rewards are going to max out and you won't have any choice other than your weekly vault, which is basically nothing, even at three diamonds. When more sets come out, you will have to spend money to keep up.

    It's obviously not the same balance team as League, but that's all we have to go off for now. They said that exact thing, word for word, about League, and that's the furthest thing from the truth possible.

    I wouldn't say your weekly vault is basically nothing. You have a chance for champions in them and you get the expedition token which yields at least one random champion as well. So getting 1+ champions every week for free is enough to get a decent collection.


    I would also argue that if the game is still fun for you even after you've maxed out all regions (which will probably take more than 100h gametime), it's maybe time to actually spend some bucks on a product you've enjoyed for free for so long. And LoR is also super fair in that regard in the sense that you know exactly what you are getting when you spend money.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Imo Lux still doesn't cut it. The value she can generate from 6 mana spells pales in comparison to Heimer. I think she should be cheaper with lowered stats, then she can be a "tempo" alternative to Heimer.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    It's inevitable in every card game. Either you have rotations or you have power creep.


    "But I don't like my cards to become worthless!"

    Every 60€ game becomes worthless after you have finished it. I try to think of it more in a sense of money/time spent for _fun_ instead of _cards_.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Kinda agree. Either both spells should cancel out targeted effects OR apply to the new swapped-in target.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From OldManSanns

    Aww.  Poor kitty.  :-(

    Rimetusk Shaman in generally is pretty gross right now.  I kinda wish they either made its target random or dropped it to 4 mana but it instead targets "weakest" enemy.  It's getting a TON of play right now, especially contrasting it to Minotaur Reckoner which has a better body and stuns which is strictly better than frostbite but because its effect is constrained to "smallest" it usually ends up getting chumped.  

    please don't introduce more randomness into the game. If anything it just needs to be easier to remove or cost more.

    It's a 3 health follower for 5 mana. It's already as easy to remove as it gets

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From OldManSanns
    Biggest trick is remembering what burst options an opponent has (e.g., Stand Alone), as you don't get the opportunity to counter-play with your cards, even if they are burst too.

    When burst cards are played in battle phase, you DO get another turn to counter-play. You just can't stop them from resolving with deny.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Other regions need maybe 1 elusive unit, like Demacia has one. That would help a lot against pure elusive cheese decks.


    For regions in general, I think Shadow Isles is a bit overtuned and thus overrepresented right now. Good direct removal throughout all stages of the game, cheap and versatile draw, best finisher in the game (Ledros infinite value), best Champions in the game (Elise and Hecarim). Wraithcaller is also the best allegiance unit right now, leading to a lot of almost-pure Shadow Isles decks with some key cards from other regions mixed in.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    The card is absolutely bonkers. It is what makes or brakes the aggro Wraith decks out there. Getting defending 3 power blockers down to 2 means they cannot block the fearsome units anymore. Plus it gives some spiders +1 power. Plus it can be used defensively to avoid lethal. All while having good 3/3 stats. wtf

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Bystekhilcar
    Quote From FortyDust

    Playing big, powerful spells MUST have an opportunity cost beyond just the mana expenditure. There MUST be an inherent risk.

    Deny is that risk. Any change that obviates that risk is a non-starter. Making it so Deny works only on cheap spells is out of the question.

    They do have inherent risk. There's always inherent risk in playing any high-cost card, which is that they have a high probability of being dead draws on any given turn. Even when you've got the mana to play them, there's often other demands on your mana expenditure which can effectively lock them off as options. And that's the only risk they need to have - look at HS as a comparator here. Since Counterspell is pretty telegraphed (and rare), there's no other opportunity cost on high cost spells - and it's not like they're exactly flooding the meta.

    Yes. Considering a 7+ mana spell is dead most of the game, might not even really swing the game in your favor when played AND is basically auto-lose when countered by 3 mana deny - there's just no reason to have any such spell in your deck right now. The odds are so much against it.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    I think the best solution to the problem is to refund the nerfed cards to wild cards if you own the nerfed card, that way it can't be abused in any way and it's always fair to both riot and the players, you can recraft the card that was just changed, or craft another deck if you want.

    We will see I really support constant card changes, that's the main reason the game is so accessible - so it can be frequently changed... Once per month balance changes are really a lot for a card game. 

    the problem I see with that is that, unlike Hearthstone, you don'T get to "test"" the nerfed card.

    One of the main benefits of HS nerf policy is that you get some time to play the nerfed card and decide for yourself whether to disenchant it or to keep it (as well as allowing players who don't have the card to get a free trial basically)

    This way you'd basically force players to recraft their cards just to see if they'Re still playable, which sort of defeass the point.

    Maybe they add a "disenchant" option for nerferd cards where YOU can convert them into wildcards for 1-2 weeks after the nerf? That would be the most fair to the players and doesn't give away "free stuff"

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I think Riot will have events in the future similar to LoL that you can activate instead of a region to feed exp in. Maybe also with cosmetics instead of cards.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From CursedParrot

    Yeah, it seems like the wildcards limit will work for this current set, but if players buy the maximum every week they’ll be able to get the entire next expansion when it releases, making the limit only relevant for new paying players (which seems against the spirit of the limits). Maybe they’ll make it so that you can’t buy wildcards if you have all the cards of that rarity already

    This. I think you shouldn't be able to accumulate wildcards bought with real money from multiple months. It defeats the whole purpose of "nobody can get everything instantly when a new expansion launches"

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I think Shark Chariot is kinda the same as The Undying. You invest mana into reoccuring attack power with no defensive capabilities. So the answer is either 1) Kill it before it kills you or 2) Purify it.


    I think the strongest cards are never combo cards because they are inconsistent. Yes, Butcher + Keeper combo is strong as hell, but needs 2 distinct cards in your opening hand to work.

    For single cards, I'd say Elise is the strongest by far. 2 mana 2/3 fearsome summon a 1/1. Still a good deal even if she dies to the first trade. And the potential to snowball with level up. 10/10

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Also had no champion duplicates after I had some chances to receive one. Think it's the same system like in HS as you mentioned.

    In reply to Champion duplicates?
  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    If you want to grind - do your quests, get your daily XP rewards, stop playing after.


    If you actually like the game - just play and don't mind the rewards.


    It's really great that LoR frontloads the majority of the grind into your first few games. Very F2P-friendly.

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    That's why you "don't put all your eggs in one basket" - or in terms of card games, don't continue playing stuff if you are already ahead when you anticipate the opponent has a board clear.


    And the other parts of your rant... might I politely ask which rank you are playing at?

  • Apfelkomplott's Avatar
    90 19 Posts Joined 02/04/2020
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    The general idea of deny is fine. It forces decks to play early followers instead of only relying on boardclears.


    However, I agree that 3 mana is problematic. It contributes to the current elusive problem that the elusive player can always save his 3 spell mana to counter removal without having to sacrifice anything for it. Deny being 4 mana would solve this as the deny player would always lose 1 mana each turn and thus fall behind.


    It think it would be healthy for the meta as well because Deny being 4 mana would also make boardclears a little better which would make aggro decks less prevalent. IMO I face a bit too much aggro on the ladder right now.