Now we just have to hope that they actually know what to address: I really don't want these balance changes to be meaningless or, worse, to shift the meta to "insert class"-stone.
oh wow that was really fast. Goes to show how utterly out of line Shaman is if they already decided to hit it after one week.
Really liking this though, makes me think we might get regular balance patches in the future.
To be fair this is kind of a disperate situation: we are 3 days from the expansion release and literally half of Standard Ladder is Shaman, which is even worse than Doom in the Tomb meta.
I don't think there hasn't been a worse meta, but certainly not a more one-sided one.
Now we just have to hope that they actually know what to address: I really don't want these balance changes to be meaningless or, worse, to shift the meta to "insert class"-stone.
This photo shows exactly why. And yes, his turn 3 was Southsea Captain (in case you were wondering)
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That's a total of 16 damage to face done by the end of turn 3. No deck should be able to take more than half your opponents health by turn 3. I thought Blizz had learned from their past mistakes with Pirates, yet here we are again...
I totally don't agree with you: this is the best possible scenario for a Pirate Warrior. Such highroll is not supposed to be countered easily (otherwise a deck would be complete dogshit).
PW is quite popular but it is far from being broken at all.
I really don't want to sound arrogant, but Tempostorm doesn't even consider Pirate Warrior to be viable, while it's still able to tear apart most of today's decks
Probably the card pool was so little at the time that even insane effects weren't as game deciding as they are now, but I may be wrong since I wasn't playing the game back in 2014
I personally despise any form of going infinite in the game (being it Deathstalker Rexxar's infinite value, Exodia Mage's infinite damage or SN1P-SN4P Warlock), while I like finite resources and I support each player's ability to use them at their best.
I don't think Mechwarper will be nerfed soon (it took years for Barnes), but for now I at least expect less Mech support in the next expansions
Well if that was the only reason...I would then happily play it on turn 2 and do the 17 dmg on turn 3 any way? Ok I also need Elemental Evocation or Coin in that case. If they do not want that then they should have make it cost 5 mana or something.
I mean, there are a ton of low cost mage spell in this rotation: even without Mana Cyclone Mana Wyrm would insanely snowball at 1 mana. It was a problem before stuff like Ray of Frost, Shooting Star, Elemental Invocation and so on, I don't want to think what trouble it would cause now.
Moreover, it's not that the devs don't want that, it's more that they want it to happen less frequently/later, in order to have better chances to counter it.
Ok, but then I also want something to counter that snowballing Priest 1-3 minion...which draws you so many cards with CoH and injured blademasters etc...I mean 0 mana heal up all and get me 4 cards from my deck...that is just too much value and can be compared to a Sorcerer Apprentice / casting some spells for 0 mana / elemental evocation / Cyclone combo, although then you get random spells instead of solid well chosen cards from your deck, and you are not buffing your board. Problem with Priest is they get board, card draw and tempo, including the always looming OTK threat if you leave one big health minion up.
The point that you're missing is this one: if a card is broken and gets nerfed, you can't pretend to revert it just because there's another OP card.
Cleric is a problem? Cool, let's hope the devs will deal with it. Problem solved. If you unnerf Wyrm you'll find yourself with two problems instead of just one
Well if that was the only reason...I would then happily play it on turn 2 and do the 17 dmg on turn 3 any way? Ok I also need Elemental Evocation or Coin in that case. If they do not want that then they should have make it cost 5 mana or something.
I mean, there are a ton of low cost mage spell in this rotation: even without Mana Cyclone Mana Wyrm would insanely snowball at 1 mana. It was a problem before stuff like Ray of Frost, Shooting Star, Elemental Evocation and so on, I don't want to think what trouble it would cause now.
Moreover, it's not that the devs don't want that, it's more that they want it to happen less frequently/later, in order to have better chances to counter it.
I'd say unnerf Mana Wyrm to balance this priest OP-ness. Would make my mage happy...
how does that make any sense whatsoever?
Well...there are some similarities. Once upon a time Mage had a playable deck featuring a Mana Wyrm which gave the mage something to do at turn 1. Apparently not everybody liked that idea and therefore it was nerfed to 2 mana. Jump ahead a couple of months and now we have Priest using its 1-3 one mana minion to wreak havoc on the HS early game. Other stories about warrior's 1-3 minion are also not unheard of. I think every class should have a useful one mana class card he can play. Mage has none.
Mage has none for a reason: Mana Cyclone, Ray of Frost and [Hearthstone Card (Sorcerer apprentice) Not Found]. Just get dunked in the head once for 17 on turn 3 and then we'll see about Mana Wyrm being reverted to 1 mana
Don't nerf Claric, HOF Divine Spirit instead. Maybe even Inner Fire but I think DS would be enough. Just don't replace it with another Resurrection card!! No more of those ever! I hate those cards so much.
Then un-nerf Mana Worm. That was unnecessary.
1) Coming from someone that has in Priest the most played class (by far), I just hope they'll HoF the whole (or almost) evergreen set for a new one. Make new cards or bring back some of the Wild ones, I don't care. Playing Divine SpiritInner Fire is so boring (for the player) and unfair (for the opponent) that I'd gladly sacrifice Northshire Cleric and Power Word: Shield (a card that I don't see mentioned really often and I wonder why: it's an auto include in every Priest deck and is really really good) for something you can actually play and win with.
2) Yeah, 1 mana Mana Wyrm with Ray of Frost, Mana Cyclone and [Hearthstone Card (Sorcerer Apprentice) Not Found] in Standard at the same time: you guys don't know what you're asking for.
Yes, it would be a new mechanic, but that's what Blizz devs are paid for.
Are Blizzard devs paid for creating new useless and not immediate mechanics just to destroy an archetype that has been around for less than a month? Oh that's a new one for me
Or can we just nerf it to something like "Give a minion +5 health"? The biggest problem seems to be the double+double. A nerf to be only +5 (or so) health would still provide a possibility of burst damage, but only 10, which seems much more reasonable.
It wouldn't be reasonable: it would make the combo (the only combo available for the Priest class in its Basic/Classic set) harmless, and that would even destroy some Wild decks.
Just Hall of Fame it already and rework Priest's evergreen set
The problem is that your solution isn't simple or minimalist at all
A simple and minimalist change is EVIL Miscreant from 5 to 4 health; reworking an entire mechanic (removing a Battlecry and adding an aura-like effect which isn't immediate at all) just to be sure that Priest will suck is nowhere near what you said in the title.
Moreover, you said that you wanted to bring a solution to the RESURRECT mechanic (again, see the title), but I don't see any purpose here: you're just talking about some minions (which have been nearly to never been played) that happen to be good in a resurrect deck whose only "cheat" card is Psychopomp. What about Big Priest? Is that ok just because it doesn't fuck up your Standard matchups? Ok cool.
I'm not implying that Priest doesn't need some sort of rework (God I really hope since it's the class I have the most wins with), but all I'm seeing is a rant thread just because you can't win that matchup with your deck.
To be fair this is kind of a disperate situation: we are 3 days from the expansion release and literally half of Standard Ladder is Shaman, which is even worse than Doom in the Tomb meta.
I don't think there hasn't been a worse meta, but certainly not a more one-sided one.
I'm not a caps lock person, but I just woke up and read about it so...
Now we just have to hope that they actually know what to address: I really don't want these balance changes to be meaningless or, worse, to shift the meta to "insert class"-stone.
I can't really say that I miss the Evolve Shaman meta, but damn they're really forcing me to.
BTW: 35 games, 26 Shaman (Rank 4 EU)
I totally don't agree with you: this is the best possible scenario for a Pirate Warrior. Such highroll is not supposed to be countered easily (otherwise a deck would be complete dogshit).
PW is quite popular but it is far from being broken at all.
I really don't want to sound arrogant, but Tempostorm doesn't even consider Pirate Warrior to be viable, while it's still able to tear apart most of today's decks
I think that Goblins vs Gnomes cards are nowadays either straight trash of broken: see Mechwarper, Metaltooth Leaper, Quartermaster, Muster for Battle or Mal'Ganis.
Probably the card pool was so little at the time that even insane effects weren't as game deciding as they are now, but I may be wrong since I wasn't playing the game back in 2014
git gut, play Reno.
On a serious note, it's my personal opinion that all the cards that have an effect like Mechwarper should receive the Reckless Experimenter/Summoning Portal treatment.
I personally despise any form of going infinite in the game (being it Deathstalker Rexxar's infinite value, Exodia Mage's infinite damage or SN1P-SN4P Warlock), while I like finite resources and I support each player's ability to use them at their best.
I don't think Mechwarper will be nerfed soon (it took years for Barnes), but for now I at least expect less Mech support in the next expansions
The point that you're missing is this one: if a card is broken and gets nerfed, you can't pretend to revert it just because there's another OP card.
Cleric is a problem? Cool, let's hope the devs will deal with it. Problem solved. If you unnerf Wyrm you'll find yourself with two problems instead of just one
I mean, there are a ton of low cost mage spell in this rotation: even without Mana Cyclone Mana Wyrm would insanely snowball at 1 mana.
It was a problem before stuff like Ray of Frost, Shooting Star, Elemental Evocation and so on, I don't want to think what trouble it would cause now.
Moreover, it's not that the devs don't want that, it's more that they want it to happen less frequently/later, in order to have better chances to counter it.
Mage has none for a reason: Mana Cyclone, Ray of Frost and [Hearthstone Card (Sorcerer apprentice) Not Found]. Just get dunked in the head once for 17 on turn 3 and then we'll see about Mana Wyrm being reverted to 1 mana
1) Coming from someone that has in Priest the most played class (by far), I just hope they'll HoF the whole (or almost) evergreen set for a new one. Make new cards or bring back some of the Wild ones, I don't care. Playing Divine Spirit Inner Fire is so boring (for the player) and unfair (for the opponent) that I'd gladly sacrifice Northshire Cleric and Power Word: Shield (a card that I don't see mentioned really often and I wonder why: it's an auto include in every Priest deck and is really really good) for something you can actually play and win with.
2) Yeah, 1 mana Mana Wyrm with Ray of Frost, Mana Cyclone and [Hearthstone Card (Sorcerer Apprentice) Not Found] in Standard at the same time: you guys don't know what you're asking for.
Are Blizzard devs paid for creating new useless and not immediate mechanics just to destroy an archetype that has been around for less than a month? Oh that's a new one for me
It wouldn't be reasonable: it would make the combo (the only combo available for the Priest class in its Basic/Classic set) harmless, and that would even destroy some Wild decks.
Just Hall of Fame it already and rework Priest's evergreen set
A simple and minimalist change is EVIL Miscreant from 5 to 4 health; reworking an entire mechanic (removing a Battlecry and adding an aura-like effect which isn't immediate at all) just to be sure that Priest will suck is nowhere near what you said in the title.
Moreover, you said that you wanted to bring a solution to the RESURRECT mechanic (again, see the title), but I don't see any purpose here: you're just talking about some minions (which have been nearly to never been played) that happen to be good in a resurrect deck whose only "cheat" card is Psychopomp. What about Big Priest? Is that ok just because it doesn't fuck up your Standard matchups? Ok cool.
I'm not implying that Priest doesn't need some sort of rework (God I really hope since it's the class I have the most wins with), but all I'm seeing is a rant thread just because you can't win that matchup with your deck.
BONUS: Injured Blademaster is stupid when it comes out from Wandering Monster, right? But what about when it spawns Voodoo Doll or Sewer Crawler?
Man your post lacks so much objectivity...