Deathstalker Rexxar

Deathstalker Rexxar Card Image

Card Stats

Card Text

Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions.

Flavor Text

"You were too slow, old friend. The hunt began long ago. And now... it will never end."


Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.

Deathstalker Rexxar Sounds

Play VO_ICC_828_Male_Orc_Play_01

Attack VO_ICC_828_Male_Orc_Attack_02

Death VO_ICC_828_Male_Orc_Death_02

Deathstalker Rexxar Emotes

Show Emotes

Greeting VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Greetings_02

Well Played VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Well Played_02

Oops VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Oops_02

Threaten VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Threaten_02

Thanks VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Thanks_01

Concede VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Concede_01

Rope VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Time_01

Thinking 1 VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Thinking_02

Thinking 2 VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Thinking_04

Thinking 3 VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_Thinking_03

GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_ICC_828_LOW_CARDS VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_LowCards_01

GAMEPLAY_EMOTE_ICC_828_NO_CARDS VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_NoCards_01

Wow VO_RexxarDeathknight_Male_Orc_WOW_01

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Deathstalker Rexxar Guides

Game Accessories

Big Beasties Big Beasts Big Beasts Legendary Stitched Tracker


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