You do know pirate warrior is, and always has been, a solid warrior deck that can easily get one to legend, right?
yeah. but experience of playing pirate warrior is not something unique to me
i always felt like pirate warrior was less powerful, less consistent and outclassed by similar aggro decks like even shaman/odd paladin/odd rouge (just a personal opinion) so if i want to climb with a aggro deck i prefer to play one of those decks
Battletag: Plus6Treants#2233
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first.
if i were u i would dust him
card doesnt see play and even if he does u already said u dont play paladin
also if u DE him u can just craft any legendary u want (i personaly never cared about golden cards and dust all of them for a legendary that i want)
only downside is u have chancee to open sir finley again in your SoU packs
dissenchanted all of the nerfed cardes (maybe i carft Barnes later )
crafted Zephrys the Great and Zola the Gorgon and i have 2k dust to spare
maybe i craft some wild card i want in the future (most likely Sneed's Old Shredder)
i disenchanted all cards for Zephrys the Great and Zola the Gorgon
finally i can play a optimal version of renolock
yeah. but experience of playing pirate warrior is not something unique to me
i always felt like pirate warrior was less powerful, less consistent and outclassed by similar aggro decks like even shaman/odd paladin/odd rouge (just a personal opinion) so if i want to climb with a aggro deck i prefer to play one of those decks
i climb from rank 9 to 3 with around 70% winrate with the new taunt warrior build
i feel so good a non-control archetype of warrior finally is able to compete at high lvl of wild ladder
new cards such as Armagedillo, Into the Fray, Frightened Flunky and Infested Goblin alongside some unused card from past like Target Dummy, Public Defender and Bolster formed a soild tier 2 warrior deck
thanks god they nerf Barnes
i opened Shirvallah, the Tiger and Archivist Elysiana also Untapped Potential as my SoU legendary
my favorite card backs are eye of cthun and yogg-saron one
because i like old gods
congrats. im 5/9 and around 400 wins with hunter but im quite far with rouge,warrior,mage (around 100 wins in total)
Zephrys the Great and Zola the Gorgon for my wild renolock
and Armagedillo for my wild quest warrior (old quest)
the cards is actualy staple in some decks in wild like pirate warrior and zoolock duo to existence of Obsidian Statue and Voidlord
because this 2 giant taunts can cheated out as soon as turn 4
so u need a cheap silence on early turns
in standard big taunt minions are pretty uncommon and cannot get cheated out consistently so Spellbreaker do the job much better
option 1
i never bothered myself with saving cards for potential nerf
i always just click the mass disenchant button and always disencahnt my golden cards if i have normal versions
i have 5/9 (shaman,warlock,paladin,druid,priest in order)
my most played is shaman and warlock with over 1k win
i never fully invest into other classes so i miss so many good cards but slowly im trying to build other 4 classes
i messed around with similiar version
for me Dark Pharaoh Tekahn was so underwhelming
i ended up cutting him EVIL Cable Rat and Sinister Deal for Ratcatcher Voidcaller Voidlord
i had no problem summoning voidlord with voidcaller so i was consistently hitting dinomancer with merchant
IMO this change make deck better vs aggro and u always win in value game with infinte dinomancer
i only play wild so IMO
2500 armor druid
expired merchant infinite cruel dinomancer warlock
old quest warrior
reno mage
i think in wild renolock is by far the best highlander deck
if u want to craft best highlander deck i suggest do it with warlock
if u dont care about the power level reno priest is fine too
trust me i know its bad (shaman is my most played class i already played all sort of crazy shaman decks)
but at least its fun for me
Raid the Sky Temple , Hack the System , Supreme Archaeology and Activate the Obelisk (althogh this one looks powerful but priest is my least played class)\
the one im really hoping to get is Corrupt the Waters im so excited to play some sort of jade cthun reno shaman in wild
this card is not bad in normal aggro/midrange (non combo/non control) decks
generaly in those types of decks u dont care about overdraw and this just refill your hand
but the problem is this is a 8 mana 8/8 that do nothing when gets played so its probably bad but its not that bad which people think it is