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Joined 06/08/2019 Achieve Points 145 Posts 22

Bushmaster's Comments

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Let's see...at the very minimum I'll get 800 dust and two legendary cards for $20.00. Meh

    Tempting, but I know how Blizzard likes to roll when it comes to opening packs....they love to deploy the pity timer before they ever give away a few too many good cards. 5 packs is not enough to trigger the pity timer.

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Can't play Classic, Standard, Wild, Battlegrounds, Duels, Tavern Brawl. Literally, nothing works even after removing golden cards. 

    Thanks Blizzard! So excited to open 140 packs and stare at them. 

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From 4iamking
    Quote From Bushmaster

    "incomplete Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Gameplay achievements will no longer grant Reward Track XP"


    So stupid, Blizzard. 

    Do you know how long it would take to play 200 Greybough's assuming you even have one. 

    I did that one in like 2 games, with the right deck Greybough can go infinite and at that point the opponent loses all tools to remove them (baring plague of death). that achievement goes really fast in the right deck.

    Good luck getting that condition to repeat it self. Let me guess...you buffed 100 totems in 4 games too with Grand Totem Eys'or?

    I can't tell you how many times I had people quit before I got a chance to play Landslide. Sometimes I would just play the card on an empty board just to trigger the effect since I had to play it 60 times and didn't want to be playing more games than necessary.

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    "incomplete Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Gameplay achievements will no longer grant Reward Track XP"


    So stupid, Blizzard. 

    Do you know how long it would take to play 200 Greybough's assuming you even have one. 

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Bushmaster

    Rotating Blood Lust out is one of the dumbest moves. That's an absolute classic with Warcraft buffs and the audio will be missed.

    That's as dumb as getting rid of True Silver Champion for Paladin's, Frostbolt for Mage's, Animal Companion for Hunter's, Swipe for Druid, Shadow Word Pain for Priest, Deadly Poison for Rogue, Voidwalker for Warlock, or Shield Block for Warrior. It's just one of those cards that is associated with it's class.

    I mention that I'd prefer to keep Blood Lust because it's such a major iconic part of Warcraft and people down-vote my comment.

    Makes as much sense as some moron down-voting someone's wish to prevent Blizzard from rotating the Mage hero and replacing it with Gelbin Megadork...just because they need to change it up a little. Dumb as a box of rocks.

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Rotating Blood Lust out is one of the dumbest moves. That's an absolute classic with Warcraft buffs and the audio will be missed.

    That's as dumb as getting rid of True Silver Champion for Paladin's, Frostbolt for Mage's, Animal Companion for Hunter's, Swipe for Druid, Shadow Word Pain for Priest, Deadly Poison for Rogue, Voidwalker for Warlock, or Shield Block for Warrior. It's just one of those cards that is associated with it's class.

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I dislike people taunting me during the game or telling me that I made a mistake so I auto-squelch everyone I play. Call it bad manners if you like, but I just want to play a game without the harassment. 

    I think it's very bad manors to drag out the game by playing every last card before making the lethal kill. If you have lethal...end the game...but now (thanks to Blizzard's exp system) everyone makes every play they can before ending the game so that they can get more exp.

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    The best death cry in the game. I can't wait to kill him again.

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Get ready for..."time's up...let's do this"

    Leeroy Jenkins  !!!

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Did I read that correctly. They're reverting all their nerfs? 

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From FortyDust

    Starcraft doesn't really do cosmetic items, does it? I mean, other than portraits, what else can they offer?

    Maybe they could offer a cool graphic tweak to a unit or two for each race. Most SC players already have dozen's of portraits and you can only use one.

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Cool loot for HoS...A "set of portraits" for SC? Really?

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago


    If they did make one would he just pick up every minion and play the battlecry again and again?

    Drink with me friend. 

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Amazingly fast drawing deck if the cards come up right. Face Hunters still own the Mage. 

    In reply to Miracle Freeze Mage
  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From NebuchadnezzarHS

    How are you progressing on the reward track?

    I'm almost level 80 and only have 6500 gold.

    Under the old rewards system I would have about 8000 gold by now and I'm playing the same amount. 

    FTP is no more...unless you are ok with only opening 1/3 less packs for the same efforts.

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    If someone saves Madness at the Darkmoon Fair card packs and then opens them after the mini expansion releases how do you know that there will not be any cards from the non-mini-expansion?

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Bushmaster

    What everyone is failing to see is that under the old system one could get 7,500 to 10,000 gold to buy 75-100 packs for the next expansion by merely completing quests and occasional wins.

    Now, one will get only 5,350 gold to buy 53 packs in the next expansion.

    That means that at some point you won't have a very good set of cards in the upcoming expansions and one will be required to spend money on packs or be unable to make the best decks with all characters.

    Yes, you do get other goodies like current or older packs of cards, legendarys, epics, etc., but none of that will help one get the new upcoming expansion packs with each new expansion. 

    This is the beginning of a downward spiral to a worse and worse collection until one reaches the point that you'll be forced to spend money or leave HS.

    I predict a shrinking base of FTP gamers.

    In addition...one can only achieve some of the experience by owning the correct cards...for example you can't complete "Yogg Take The Wheel" if you don't own Yogg...unless you're lucky enough to get one from a Duel or Arena. So that's a lot of unmet achievements unless you own the right cards.

    So after Blizzard adjusted the reward track I am now at level 42 with 2950 in gold and 2100 in gold left to earn if I hit level 49. That adds up to 50 packs next expansion. For an FTP player...that won't be enough opened packs to be getting enough cards to build a decent deck to climb the ladder with. I still contend that FTP is going to shrink unless one is content with playing battlegrounds alone.

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I actually got it by building a deck with as many outcast cards I as I could put in. The deck was crap for winning, but I just wanted the achievement. The hardest part was waiting for the correct card draw to come up. I was astonished to find that I had actually got a few wins even though all I was trying to do was stack outcast cards in my hand long enough into the game to unleash as many upgrades as possible in one turn and hope I could push for the 10-attack on the following turn. It took about 20 games, but I did it. Some peeps even quit before I could push above 10-attack which was really frustrating. 

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    It's nice to see Blizzard make an adjustment to the track, but I'm still thinking FTP will forever be stuck at bronze since the amount of gold to potentially earn each season has been cut in half. 

    I used to earn enough gold to buy an average of 90 packs each season just from completing daily quests and the 10 gold per 3 wins.

    Now I'm at level 41 on the rewards track and currently only have 2950 in gold.

    I have the potential to earn another 2100 gold by leveling up to level 49.

    That leaves me with enough gold to buy 50 packs which is about half of what I usually am able to obtain and only enough to craft mediocre decks.

    Also, no one can earn all 14,800 exp from achievements unless you own every card necessary to complete the achievements. Good luck with completing that without spending money in the game. 

  • Bushmaster's Avatar
    Uther 145 22 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    In the past I have always finished every daily quest and played varying amounts as time allowed (i.e. more on weekends) and at the end of the season I was able to get enough gold to buy about 80 to 100 packs based on how often I played.

    Under the new system...the same amount of time will yield enough gold to buy (or be granted) about 60 packs according to my calculations...

    ...AND Blizzard now throws in a few epic and legendary cards and a few other perks which seems to be a significant reduction in potential packs by my calculations...significant enough to prevent me from getting enough of the important cards necessary to build descent decks with all heroes.

    At the end of the season...if I can't get enough gold to buy enough packs to open most of the necessary cards...I'm done with HS after playing it since beta and I have an awesome collection with over 10,000 wins and 3 heroes over 1000 wins etc. Maybe someone will want the account. 

    Blizzard has effectively pushed the FTP players to the mid-to bottom tier. Thanks Blizzard!