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    HearthStationeer 685 680 Posts Joined 10/22/2018
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    I feel like they won't change the quest, but if they do it will be very minor like increasing the requirement from 6 battlecries to 7. I think they really just overtuned Galakrond. Doubling the invocations isn't nearly as bad as doubling Galakrond's battlecry, aside from the fact it can expedite the upgrades. Several 2/1 minions with rush aren't overly oppressive but being able to accelerate your way to a double Galakrond battlecry is, for Shaman at least. 

    A possible change could be to lower the health of the minions Galakrond's battlecry summons. Currently they scale as 2/2, 4/4, 8/8. I was thinking instead of doubling the health as well they could do 2/2, 4/3, 8/4, which makes it a lot easier to deal with and likely results in the minions being destroyed if they are traded into others.

    Maybe 8/4 is a little underwhelming for the final form, perhaps 8/6 or 6/6 would be ok. I haven't tested it of course but apparently neither have the devs so who knows! The real strength of it is supposed to be the rush aspect i think, but if you get 4 8/8 minions there's way less options for clearing the remnants. 

    Alternatively they could just increase the mana cost to 9 so it's unlikely anyone could use the quest reward with it. I think that reduces the fun factor more though. I expect them to make a less drastic change.