Currently it’s a meme card, but if there’s ever a card that procs when it Corrupts something/when a card is Corrupted (which is highly likely) this could be genuinely amazing
Thanks for the feedback! However, I might scrap the current card for something new, as I don’t really like it and the general consensus seems somewhat lukewarm....
That fresh Hearthcards smell... it's good to be back! A simple one to start us off, but I'm still thinking up some alternate ideas...
Quick run of feedback:
Demonxz - I really like this one. It's a good effect and fits well thematically.
Bloodmefist - No issues with this one either!
KANSAS - I do like this one, but a part of me feels it could be better as a rare? It should be fine though.
linkblade - This one is my favourite so far, but then again I love some Treants, so I'm a tad biased...
R - Really cool effect... but a similar issue to KANSAS where it's a bit *too* special. Still very good though.
grumpymonk - This card is honestly too powerful. Not necessarily a bad thing, but a cheap card with a strong effect AND good stats? It needs a slight tone-down.
cg - I don't really know how to feel about this one... it feels too strong to be a common no matter which way you spin it.
frosthearth - It's just OK. I'm not particularly fond of it, but it's not bad.
Hordaki - Very well-done card and one that I could easily see printed. Also, I see what you did with the name ;)
The Firebat call was still terrible on Blizzards part. Bumping forward a schedule without proper notice, only to dq AND fine someone for missing out? It’s ridiculous..
Hehe snowballs
Ngl, seeing Makoto on a podium gave me mad DR flashbacks...
Alright, I’m ready to cancel Hearthstone now that they’ve removed Zerus
The Mr Brightside line made me smile way too much LMAO.
It’s on a spellstick, obviously.
And no, that’s not a wand, wands are for lame dwizards, spellsticks are for very cool rogues.
Valeera the Hollow on a stick...
I’m not super excited for this personally. It might save a couple games, but it’s nothing too special
Welcome back Zilliax!
You’re as beautiful as the day you left us..
Currently it’s a meme card, but if there’s ever a card that procs when it Corrupts something/when a card is Corrupted (which is highly likely) this could be genuinely amazing
I’m sure some of you haveread these, but my favourite fantasy series of all time are
The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist
and The Belgariad by David Eddings
Everything else recommended here is also really good - at least that I’ve read... hopefully this thread blows up so I can find more stuff to read :)
Thanks for the feedback! However, I might scrap the current card for something new, as I don’t really like it and the general consensus seems somewhat lukewarm....
That fresh Hearthcards smell... it's good to be back! A simple one to start us off, but I'm still thinking up some alternate ideas...
Quick run of feedback:
Demonxz - I really like this one. It's a good effect and fits well thematically.
Bloodmefist - No issues with this one either!
KANSAS - I do like this one, but a part of me feels it could be better as a rare? It should be fine though.
linkblade - This one is my favourite so far, but then again I love some Treants, so I'm a tad biased...
R - Really cool effect... but a similar issue to KANSAS where it's a bit *too* special. Still very good though.
grumpymonk - This card is honestly too powerful. Not necessarily a bad thing, but a cheap card with a strong effect AND good stats? It needs a slight tone-down.
cg - I don't really know how to feel about this one... it feels too strong to be a common no matter which way you spin it.
frosthearth - It's just OK. I'm not particularly fond of it, but it's not bad.
Hordaki - Very well-done card and one that I could easily see printed. Also, I see what you did with the name ;)
Scholomance/school theming? I dig it...
Gotta say, didn’t think I’d be making revisions on a 3-card deck lmao. So yeah, safe to say this probably isn’t very viable anymore..
The Firebat call was still terrible on Blizzards part. Bumping forward a schedule without proper notice, only to dq AND fine someone for missing out? It’s ridiculous..
This is actually so clever and wholesome :) a
Wow. Just... wow. This weapon could do some beautiful things...
I think this might be my fav expansion ever. The creativity in some of these cards is absolutely incredible
I’ve wanted Poisonous spells basically since it became a keyword..
I am super happy right now.
If this is the direction Priest/Lock is going with their cards... I’m totally down for this! It looks hella interesting
This doesn’t look very legendary... I guess we’ll have to see how it plays out in game..
Wasn’t it a Rastakhan’s Rumble card, like Ghastcoiler? They both have coloured borders if I’m not mistaken...