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Mankrik's Wife
Joined 10/04/2020 Achieve Points 335 Posts 59

CuddlyCactus's Comments

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    can't feel anything else but that Mythgard missed the bus. sure, nice that they're upgrading something... but it still comes 5 years too late. 

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    probably a well-known fan-favorite apart from fantasy, but I dig any medical thriller that Tess Gerritsen writes. with her medical background, it's always bound to get bloody and gory right into the details of the murders, but hell, she's creative with her stories. super +1 recommendation for crime gore fans! :)

    In reply to Books
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    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years ago

    they just killed it. sadly. 

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    if there is ONE class the Dev team couldn't help but nutting about every time a card was proposed, it's Druid.


    sorry, Priest players

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    we talking about the same secret mage that was the terror of wild for years?

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    although I'm not opposed to some more RNG fiesta, I feel that Cora pointing out the spell's core idea being similar to its original WoW twin is a very moot point.

    Hearthstone puts its own filter on anything related to its WoW origins , so now suddenly going "yeah but see, we made it so it's true to the original druid spell's idea!" makes me go like ... yeah, so what? just because it suits you this time, suddenly that's an argument? haha :D

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    so far it feels like 80% of the cards are "same old stuff, but + numbers when stuff has died" ... 

    can't say this bunch of cards feel inspired at all ... 

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    ... and THAT's their new legendary here?  a simple stat check? ... wow... how ... LEGENDARY!


    oh boy. I'm getting underwhelmed vibes ...


  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    just plain boring

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago


  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    it's never going to be included in any deck anyways. why do you want to kill it even more?  :(

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    yeah, seeing half of the world staring at Diablo Immoral's monetizing model in disbelief, and Blizz confirming that Diablo 4 will be a full-price AAA game WHILE STILL having an ingame shop ... oh boy. better up your tomato-catching skills, because there certainly will be a few flung at you.


    alas, one can hope. I still immensely enjoy playing Hearthstone. but I'm not taking my hopes too high for what Blizz's decisions will hold.

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

     so what are Snaps? for those unitiated?

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    yeah well it's obviously this site's job to try to be optimistic to the point of pain, haha.

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    how about NO


    leave this shit girl wherever the worst bunch of shit things is. thanks.


    (yes, I hate her.)

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    the Multi-Strike part cracked me up so hard, I snorted my morning coffee. nice one sule! :D

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    way too late. what's their playerbase even? 500 (not k)? 

    introducing stuff like that while locking out all players with a _space_ in their name is just glorious, lol. good riddance I guess

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    I just hate how on the initial show screen, 2 quests were managed to be mispelled. like, hello....? you put so much effort in this, and then you managed to spell your first 2 show off quests wrong??

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    I guess Mythgard has some funny things to show. but it was a one-year Pony which probably won't get ressurected.

    so why even feature it here? nostalgia?


    edit: over the coolest new MtG previews?