CuddlyCactus's Avatar


Mankrik's Wife
Joined 10/04/2020 Achieve Points 335 Posts 59

CuddlyCactus's Comments

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years ago

    I really don't wanna sh*t on the meta options as this has been done too much already, but yeah ... watching 2 players duking it out which solitaire would be faster to result in a OTK?

    Paladin, Warrior, completely absent? 

    everyone just bringing Warlock, Shaman, Demon Hunter, + some 4th class over 3 days // 3x 6 hours? yeah. I liked it as background sound, as the casters all are really good and bring personality. the decks? couldn't care to give them a 2nd glance.

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    seeing them proudly displaying "Tavern Brawls" as a major key point makes me sad.

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    welcome back, Kaladin :)

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    well, cause that's ... exactly what it is?

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I go 0-3 all the time anyways ... :( probably because of my deck score

    In reply to Arena 6 Win Scam
  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Happy Birthday and thanks, OOC team, for all the amazing content! <3

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    sigh... yeah, small Indian curr-- uh, company.

    happened to me just an hour ago as well. gotta cut them some slack. their Indian curry is tasty tho :)

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    yeah, Schrutebucks (Kaladin) uses every single thread to spill hate.


    only good thing so far (and I commend him for that): he stopped spamming how he wants to be killed, isnt worth living, etc. Thumbs up Schruteman!

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    at this point, I just want to commend Kaladin for not wanting to die all the time, or being killed all the time anymore, and instead just losing 99% to his opponents' topdecks.

    we have come so far! :) thank you, Schrutebucks.


    On Topic: Can someone please make paladin secrets make them eat about 10 fking dmg whenever they draw one with their shitty sword? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah



  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    sometimes, when I stumble over yet another one of Kaladin's "pls end my life" posts, I recall this saying ...

    "if it smells like dog poo everywhere you go, you might want to check your shoes."



  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    sometimes, when I stumble over yet another one of Kaladin's "pls end my life" posts, I recall this saying ...

    "if it smells like dog poo everywhere you go, you might want to check your shoes."

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    someone get Kaladin (edit: Shrutebucks) a counselor. a good one, please. quickly.


    Salt thread is one thing, permanently crying about losing his will to live (that's nicely said)  over a card game is not. 

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    dude, while I agree with you ... could you just turn it a bit down with your "I wanna die, I don't deserve to live", "please kill me"

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    "Either way, it won't make a huge difference in the long run, so it's nothing worth worrying about much."


    that's the main point I feel. have fun getting your XP, folks, either way! :)

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    so 70% of stuff you were mentioning were only Wild (historic) card sets

    while the other 2 sets were just perfectly similar to the same 2 expansions of Hearthstone.


    In reply to Is MtG:A F2P?
  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    to be fair,  out of curiosity, and cause I had nothing better to do, I skimmed throw his answers and comments lol


    HOLY lord. dont even what to say. why is this dude not banned already lol?



  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    where is Kaladesh / Shrutebucks when we need him?? :(

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    which one of those was the "don't you guys have phones!!!" guy? :D

  • CuddlyCactus's Avatar
    Mankrik's Wife 335 59 Posts Joined 10/04/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    it was there first.

    as simple as it sounds.