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  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 2 years ago

    This card is for the Rastakhan's Rumble mini-set which is intended to combine the Witchwood, Boomsday and RR expansions. This card focuses on a ghostly swarm of Gral's sharks (note that the Echo keyword doesn't allow this to cost less than 1).  It allows shenanigans to be pulled off with cards such as Cannon Barrage, Bloodsail Howler, Serrated Tooth and it's Battlecry can be doubled by Spirit of the Shark.


  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Hi all,

    This is my first attempt at Mercenaries content. I feel like Mercenaries is the perfect mode to represent the heroes of Overwatch and their abilities.


    Tanks = Protectors, Damage = Fighters, Support = Casters

    The Mercenaries include: Level 30 stats (without +1/+5 max bonus), All Level 5 abilities and all Level 4 equipment.

    Every now and again, I will update this thread with brand new Mercenaries. To tide us over until then, here are the first five: Roadhog, Reaper, Widowmaker, Genji and Brigitte.


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    Anyway, I hope you enjoy these Mercenaries, feedback is much appreciated. Thank you!

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Very tricky prompt this week, for some combinations it's quite the thought exercise. 

    Here's my idea, a very simple combination of Hunter and Shaman. A versatile removal spell, with the possibility of gaining Overload depending on the level you pick. In terms of function, you have a Discover style interface with all three options, then you target the minion you want to kill. I'm also particularly pleased with how the art matches the colours of the card border. 

    Charged Shot Options

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  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    I think we have to consider Tyrande as a part of a Nature comp given Band of the Wilds 4 allows her Elune's Grace ability to function with nature abilities.

    Personally, I would start with Malfurion, Tyrande and Brightwing with Guff, Bru'kan and Anacondra on the bench. I think there is a very good case for Guff to start instead of Malfurion given his bench-buffing capabilities.

    Honestly, we'll all have to wait and see to try it out, but once I access the Band of the Wilds 4 equipment for Tyrande, she's going straight into this comp.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Hi guys,

    I've had to abandon my work on my custom expansion for the time being as I'm finding it difficult to get past some mental creative block. I had an idea for a much smaller scale project that I can come back to as when I want. 

    I've decided to undertake creating Hearthstone boss fights for random boss battles in WoW or possibly even for Hearthstone-original characters like the Boomsday Project scientists. I want to stay fairly faithful to the fight mechanics from WoW, which I've taken from WoWPedia. 

    For the first one, we're heading to the Scarlet Monastery to face off against High Inquisitor Whitemane.

    Special Cards

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    2x Crimson Clergy

    2x Holy Smite

    2x Power Word: Shield

    2x [Hearthstone Card (Condemn) Not Found]

    1x Divine Hymn

    2x Renew

    2x Devout Dungeoneer

    2x Velen's Chosen

    1x Greater Healing Potion

    2x Holy Nova

    2x Lightsteed

    2x Lightshower Elemental

    2x Mass Resurrection

    2x Deep Sleep

    2x Scarlet Renegade

    2x Monastery Guardsman.


    Hopefully this'll be the first of many more to come. These only take me like half an hour to do, so they're perfect for when I just have a little bit of time. Any feedback on this fight will be much appreciated and I'll try to implement any criticism moving forwards with this idea. Have a good day and thanks guys!

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    As an elegant and tbh more 'typical' change, the battlecry change is pretty good. However, the once per turn mechanic still allows this to activate across multiple turns if it survives, just with a much lower scope than it currently has. I'd also like to see if 'Once per Turn' could work as an adjustment to other pop-off cards like this one. I'm unsure which ones I'd target, but I'm sure it's a mechanic that could be used, even for new cards to replace old ones.

    For instance, this could be a replacement for Gadgetzan Auctioneer whilst that rotates to wild format, if the auctioneer is ever deemed too powerful. Probably won't be any time soon but this is just a further adaptation of the idea. It may be too weak, but again this is just a very basic and easy example of something that could happen.


  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I've been playing a mix of Battlegrounds and Ladder recently, and whilst playing Battlegrounds, I came across the Prophet of the Boar. Now the interesting thing about this card is the Once per Turn being keyworded on the card, despite it being only used on this particular card.

    With Stealer of Souls being as troublesome as it has been, could it be changed to the following instead?

    This would allow the effect to still go off this turn, either via tap or the first card drawn off of Backfire for instance and if it lives until future turns, the effect can be done again. However, these massively reduces the "pop-off" potential for the card. I don't know if this is the correct change for the card, but seeing as it utilises something that is already found within the game, I thought this would make for a good discussion.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Each season of these competitions has been 20 weeks long. Unfortunately this was the 20th week, therefore meaning we're gonna have to wait until season 4. I don't know when that will be, but I'm looking forward to it whenever it comes around.

    EDIT: Forgot to say, congratulations Lundy! Well deserved winner.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From linkblade91

    From a personal angle, it should eliminate situations where I receive an all-1-vote; which, frankly, I don't think I should ever earn, because at the very least my cards are well executed and without mistakes. At least give me a 2!...Does that make me selfish for saying that? lol :/

    Tbh, I don't think that makes you selfish at all, when I've looked at the transparency report before there's often situations where I shout "how in the ever-living f*** did that get 1 star?" I understand there's personal opinion and things, but like you say, lack of mistakes is a pretty objective success, even if you don't like the effect or flavour.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    As much as I like the idea of having three categories to have a more accurate and representative rating of each card, it's a lot to consider for each card that could be submitted to a comp. I personally quite like taking about 30 seconds to a minute to look at a card and then just slap a 1-5 star rating on it, kind of like Hearthstone Tinder. Then again, putting more thought into how I think about cards isn't really a bad thing, I'm just concerned that this slightly more complex system could turn people off from voting thus leaving less votes overall.

    As for scrapping the finalist phase, it feels almost blasphemous, but I do agree that it might be better if it goes away. The amount of times you look at a Transparency Report, and see who got the number 1 card in the voting phase also gets last in the finalist phase or something similar is kinda disheartening. I'm all for scrapping the finalist phase.

    As for increasing rewards, why not, seems like a fantastic idea.

    If the finalist phase isn't scrapped, then there is one proposal I have for it. If a card had a description box in the voting phase and makes it to the finalist phase, can this description box be kept on the finalist page? I know a card should speak for itself, but sometimes that description just helps to imagine decks where the card could be useful, or strategies with the card, design decisions or maybe even flavour. Like I said, the card should speak for itself, but seeing these extra little bits is so helpful towards giving an accurate and fair rating.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    That Rogue set, especially the Legendaries and the SI:7 synergies, might not end up being super powerful, but goddamn flavourwise that is one of my favourite class sets they've ever produced.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Here's my card, long time since I last participated in one of these so hopefully the card is alright. 


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    I like this card a lot, personally feels like the recently revealed [Hearthstone Card (Garotte) Not Found] a little bit, but I won't hold
    that against the card considering there's enough tangible differences to make it feel new. Solid stuff.


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    Love this idea a lot, particularly when you add the Hero Power to the mix. One question, if you can spend 1 armor, does the HP always deal 4 or do you have a Choose One style interface?


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    Simple idea, great flavour, prefer the first art over the second but if it's possible, maybe consider centralising the character more in the frame, as currently the framing feels a bit off.


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    Simple card, quite like it. I would prefer the wording of 'someone' to be changed to 'a player' or 'either player'.


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    Feels somewhere between decent and unecessary, I understand this has a bit more flexibility than Shadowstep as it can be used as temporary removal, I think you want to go with the 'costs 2 less' version to make it seem more reasonable.


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    I prefer Huckster over Contract Assassin, as there is basically no situation where you would Trade the Assassin, making the keyword feel kind of irrelevant on the card. Huckster at least has situations where you don't want it yet, i.e. when you don't have shuffled cards. Personally I would also try to have a more creative name than just Huckster as we already Undercity Huckster, something like Bloodsail Huckster would go a long way for me at least.


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    Absolutely go for Magical Seed, such a sweet idea, the art fits, simple. Chef's kiss.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Damn, I'm usually pretty optimistic but this card is quite boring. Sure it might be moderately powerful, but I honestly think a character like Anetheron deserves better than that card text tbh. Also the orphan on the second line lowkey irritates me.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago


    As for the card, don't know how viable it is, but it is damn amazing. 

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    God I'm gonna slap this in Priest and see how long I can keep it alive (and me in fatigue). Don't know whether this'll be good enough, but Aluneth with a body for every class seems alright.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Now we get to see why Menagerie Warden was put into the Core Set. I really like this card, great mid-game removal for Druid. Actually that's the second good removal they've got so far this set with their Mount card from yesterday.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    This is like when you eat your popcorn and drink your coke during the trailers at the cinema. I legitimately thought it would start at half 5 lol.

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Yeah you can absolutely make a wish for a card. Any card is up for grabs, there might even be a couple of groups of 2-3 to request that synergise with each other.

    Once I've got the whole set done I'll start distributing cards. 

  • cydonianknight's Avatar
    515 89 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Hi everyone, 

    Over the last few months I've been working on some Battlegrounds tribes and a Custom Core Set, all of which were extremely fun projects to make. Alongside these, I have been making a custom expansion which includes 135 cards and the possibility of a mini-set further down the line. The expansion is a little while off being ready (1-2 months as I have work commitments) but the cards are coming along nicely. 

    Now, I have a proposal for the community on here. Would you be interested in doing a small-scale card reveal season on the actual expansion thread when it's ready to go? I'd initially reveal the expansion with about 10-15 cards on the thread. If anyone is interested then I'd message them a card from the expansion and you can then post it on the thread when you're ready. You can just post the card or if you really want to, do a big reveal I don't mind! After everyone's cards have been revealed, I'll do a final card dump. 

    I thought this might be a fun experiment to try out and if there's enough interest then we can go ahead with it. Hope you like this idea.