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    Dragon Scholar 1890 5634 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Im actually curious if you've actually went and check how many cards warlock actually has to damage themselves. The current hyper aggressive quest zoolock has precisely 12 damaging cards, not counting those that coming out of Raise Dead, and the total amount of damage runs to 26, not counting Unstable Shadow Blast which means there's potential for this to get even higher. In effect what you're suggesting is either warlock run useless cards like Elven Archer, or they simply kill themselves before they even get close to killing the opponent with tamsin.

    Not to mention that this basically invalidates cards like Bloodbound Imp, Tour Guide, and ruins the fatigue win condition, which means tamsin has an effective cap on its power.

    While Im 100% sure team5 will never implement this as a change, it's certainly interesting. I would go for your second suggestion, which limits it to 9 damaging cards, which will leave enough cards to close the game with tamsin.


    Also, I'd like to comment on the 'fatigue as a lose condition' idea.

    I don't hate the idea that tamsin kills via fatigue damage. If the deck is built to burn through their deck fast because they can kill their opponent via fatigue, that's entirely fair, because the deck would need to be built to do exactly that. That's no different to how mill decks win their games. Just slowing down the quest will more or less balance the idea of a 'fatigue warlock'.

    If fatigue warlock is very consistent, very fast, and is polarizing games, then Im sure team5 would do something about it, as they have done to d6 warlock. There's no need to focus on the fatigue aspect of the quest. If they finish it quick, the game will be lost within 2-3 turns anyway, fatigue or no.

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    Dragon Scholar 1890 5634 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Can't say I agree that Self-Sharpening Sword and Secret Passage needs a nerf. For one thing, weapon tech absolutely crushes this particular variant, and secret passage already took a nerf. Now that Southsea Deckhand, Sap and Eviscerate are gone, I think aggro rogue will slowly succumb and die in a ditch somewhere when Barrens releases.

    But taking advantage of this thread, I think its fitting that I end this with a small point from JAlexander (exclusive rogue legend player), which I pretty much agree with;


    It kinda reminds me of control priest in scholomance. Your win rate against face hunter and stealth rogue is exponentially greater simply by having a 1 drop on 1. Thought provoking if nothing else.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5634 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Tetsuo

    Tickatus Warlock was prevalent after the Boggspine Knuckles nerf, when the meta was still settling. It's all but disappeared in higher ranks now as other decks have risen up to beat it back down. It's not very good. 

    It's annoying to play against, yes, but I don't think a card that's in a tier 3 deck should be nerfed, unless players eventually find a broken combo with this that lets it burn your entire deck before turn 10. If I had to nerf it though, I'd reduce the number of burned cards to 3. That would really worsen the card, though. 

    Its tier2 via galakrond warlock. And that's the stronger archetype, so I think tickatus should be judged by that deck unless stated directly.

    In any case, the only main reason why its not higher is obviously due to its weakness to aggro and face decks. Outside of that, it's pretty much competitive in my opinion.

    In reply to Nerfing Tickatus
  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5634 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Well, it was only a matter of time before we start seeing posts like these. Actually amazing how it took so long.

    Don't get me wrong, I do feel at the moment that tickatus warlock is somewhat oppressive, more than a little unfun to play against, but not because Tickatus itself is extremely broken, but because of the seemingly endless amounts of removal that deck can have while not suffering the usual problems of a control deck.

    If there was a card that needs a look at it would be Cascading Disaster, which at present combined with Dark Skies, School Spirits, malicia, and not to mention that you can get both cascading disasters a second time after yshaaraj, virtually ensures that nothing outside of aggro minions can ever get through its first turn, let alone stay on longer than two. I'm not entirely open to nerfing it yet, since dark skies will be rotating soon, but that's not going to change how crazy this card is, and how impossible it would seem to dodge it.

    As for tickatus itself, I'm not entirely sure. Its polarizing how easily you can sometimes lose your win condition simply by a 10 card burn within two turns, but let's be honest, the card is tremendously reliant on its support cards to ensure you dont just straight up die after playing it. I'm more into team5 designing future cards that can naturally counter it, like reintroducing Dirty Rat, or just have something that can temporarily add cards into your deck but does not impact fatigue matches like soul shards. Either will easily nerf tickatus decks without touching the card itself.

    We'll see if the mid set changes anything. But at the moment, if you ever need reasons to cheer that face decks still exists, this would be it.

    In reply to Nerfing Tickatus
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    Dragon Scholar 1890 5634 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks Shibo

    Looking forward to your next work

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    Dragon Scholar 1890 5634 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Amidst the miasma of death surrounding the new progression system, this is the one sole positive thing from Blizz that I had the pleasure of experiencing of late. Clearly the editing of this video is no small feat and I would be glad to see more in future.

    There's just a few things unclear to me, I don't play WoW but I have played all three warcraft games, so I wouldn't know the full extent of the lore;

    - When you said Arthas and Nerzhul fused, I was actually wondering who was the dominant spirit here. Seems like after Bolvar became the new Lich king, he was clearly still conscious of who he is, so is the lich king really just a conduit that empowers any idiot who puts on the helm? Is Nerzhul technically in command here, or has he long since faded when he fused with Arthas.

    - Actually is there a reason why Kelthuzad and Anubarak remained loyal to the lich king despite him having lost his powers considerably during that time? I remember some dialogue between Arthas and Anubarak. Seems like the beetle was willingly serving the lich king, but considering their history, it always seemed unlikely

    - Is Arthas still human at all? In W3 he disappeared in Northrend, but it never mentioned that he was dead in any way. Yet the game for obvious reasons treated him as though he was still undead. So can one be part of the undead without actually dying? I would assume he was still human since he had that death scene in WoW that didn't involve him being burned, beheaded, or sprinkled with holy water.

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    Dragon Scholar 1890 5634 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From MurlocAggroB
    Quote From GoliathTheDwarf

    It's unknown exactly how the holiday will develop on this side, now that Sylvanas has abandoned the Horde and appears to be trying to force everyone into hell. We'll just have to see in Shadowlands, I guess.

    I think Calia Menethil will be the Forsaken's new leader. They've been building her up as the moral version of Sylvanas since Legion. It would also be a nice bookend to have the throne of Lordaeron be claimed by a Menethil.

    At least I hope they do that, and not something stupid like stick Lillian Voss in that role because she's popular. She also apparently is acting as the interim leader of the Forsaken right now, which is already too much.

    I dont play WoW. Why is she so popular again? And why all the hate?

    The extent I know of Voss is that she used to be human then revived as a forsaken, which drove her mad. Thats about it.

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    Dragon Scholar 1890 5634 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Here's a few that I had in mind:

    - In BoH adventure, we (as Jaina) crushed Thrall before having Kalec stepped in and allowed Thrall to go free. While I think its likely an exaggeration of what happened, is this version at least sightly real in WoW lore?

    - It always makes me think when Illidan cries 'Alas poor warlock' when Skull of Gul'dan is played, since I dont recall this in Warcraft III, or when Illidan kills off the alternate Gul'dan (I believe he also crushes Guldan's skull after that in hand). Has he ever mentioned this line in WoW history?