Awesome card, considering it's a Murloc, and thus it should be super easy to fulfill the Infuse criteria in decks that play them. Also, the name and the art are amazing!
Doesn't seem all that great, since you can't control which minion it copies. Might work in some sort of Deathrattle deck, but I'm not too sure about that.
Not sure if this card will be any good. Ideally, it could be infused with large minions to make it a big threat, but it doesn't really have anything else going in its favor.
Perhaps it will be nice in Arena, but it doesn't seem all that useful anywhere else.
Awesome card, considering it's a Murloc, and thus it should be super easy to fulfill the Infuse criteria in decks that play them. Also, the name and the art are amazing!
Might work as a defensive tool for Secret decks that need it, but it honestly doesn't seem all that amazing to me.
An Arena card, at most. Far too weak to warrant playing it for the Infuse effect, and near worthless without it.
Seems a little too weak to see any play, even if it has a nice effect. If only it had Rush...
Nice disruption tool for Arena, but I can't see it being played anywhere else.
Doesn't seem all that great, since you can't control which minion it copies. Might work in some sort of Deathrattle deck, but I'm not too sure about that.
Seems like a sticky card (no pun intended), but not sure it'll see any play outside Arena, perhaps.
Between the name, the art, and the effect, this looks like a super fun card. It might not be the best, but it's still a winner in my heart! ♥
Very nice card, specially for Big Druid. At the very least, it'll be played in that deck archetype.
Very nice card for aggro decks, since it'll be quite easy to meet the conditions required for the card draw.
Rogue's new best friend?
Given how popular locations will be, this might work in decks that are a bit more on the Control end of things.
Might be worth running just to screw over Kazakusan! 😅
Seems like a nice Arena card, but I'm not sure it would fit anywhere else. A little too expensive on the Infuse side of things.
A nice disruption tool, but not sure exactly where it fits. Doubt it'll see much play unless combined with something else.
It will probably be played in nearly every deck in the near future, since the new Location cards will be widely used once the expansion releases.
Not sure if this card will be any good. Ideally, it could be infused with large minions to make it a big threat, but it doesn't really have anything else going in its favor.
Looks like a very strange card, not sure exactly where it would fit.
Looks like a really strong card on its own. After the Infuse goes off though, it's really insane!